Where do you have your studio?


Mar 30, 2005
Hi guys,
I'm very interested about the location of your studios... At home, in a depandance near home, in un bulding, an isolated place....something like that.

Share your experience!
Makeshift in the basement of my home currently.

Hoping to move within the next year to a bigger home with an entirely unfinished basement space and purpose build a better space for music and recording then.
Lookin at a couple of places this Saturday. exciting times it is, If I do find the right place, I will post some pics up (But wont be for a while).
my studio is built in the basement of my house. i am always looking out for a commercial spot that is a good fit, but they are hard to find for a studio. i like the studio in my house though. even bands that come here are super cool and respectful. my kid and my fiancee like having me here as well instead of somewhere else all the time. my drum room is ok(if the gear is good and tuned well) and i am really used to my control room. if the band has a bigger budget, there are two pro studios in the area i can track the drums at. but everything else i do at my place usually. eventually, i will find a house with alot of room to build a better studio. thats the plan.
I just built a new house, and designed the basement so that I could put the studio there. I have 10' ceilings and staggered stud construction. The isolation is pretty decent. You can not hear the drums outside the house at all.
I've only got recording software on my computer but I've got one of those really totally super, like, COOL computer desks upstairs in my bedroom that I usually record sitting at unless I really feel like rockin. then I put on the guitar strap and bounce around ever so slightly as not to disturb me mum (thank God for headphones). OH, but they're really cheap crappy headphones. K44. Pretty soon I'll be moving location all the way down the hall about 10 feet into another room, er I meant studio so my sister and 2 nephews can take over the old studio. crap. I meant bedroom cause they're not musicians.
Rockin like Dokken,
Separate free standing concrete block 2 car garage. I sit right where we used to park the Wife's car. One client described it as having a "clubhouse" type of atmosphere. I love that analogy!
Mines right next to my house, and I'm out on 40 acres in the country. It's a transformed Morton building. 36'x 24', with maybe 20' high ceiling, I think. Used to be a three bay garage building. The building has 8" walls, so I said fuck yeah, and built my rooms inside of the building. And I built another building onto it for a bathroom, pool table, and place to get drunk!:kickass: pics at Kenyonsoundhouse below. None of them show the building though, I gotta get some on there.
Ive turned over the third floor of my house to use for recording which gives me a control room and a couple of booths for cabs and will soon have a small living room bit. I either take out a mobile rig to rehersal rooms or hire a bigger studio 3 miles away for drum tracking. The worst thing about it was dismantling my desk to get it up the stairs but the best thing is when we take a break weve got access to my living room and kitchen.
I converted our dining room into the control room and used an adjoining bedroom for tracking...Since the arrival of our triplets in July of '06, I'm down to just a control room, haha. I also have everything on my laptop and have my interfaces setup to be mobile. For outside projects, it's 100% mobile for tracking with mixing/mastering done at my house. For my band, drums are tracked out our rehearsal space, with everything done at my house. That will probably change for our next record, though.