How much do you pay to record at third-part studio?


Mar 30, 2005
How do you pay when you rent a studio to record your own clients? Near my city a music store opened a new reharseal space (4 rooms) and they have also 2 studios inside, 1 with PT HD and 1 with Logic, connected with the 4 rooms.
Today I asked them if I can use their studio to record my clients, expecially drums.
They answer 22€/hr...pretty decent if the band can afford it (of course my price raises a little). do you deal when you use other studios to record your clients? How much do you pay?

There's 2 ways I deal with this....

Generally I do an "all inclusive" budget with the bands and the studio is included in that amount. This would cover my fee, costs, as well as any rentals or studio time.

If a band can't afford that, I have a few deals with local studios where I basically commit to doing x amount of projects at full rate at their studio, in exchange for a certain amount of dates for free or for a discounted rate.

If a band chooses to work in another studio, I actually generally lower my rate.