Where Eagles Dare new thread


I'll grab it and take a listen...will also start practicing again.

Hyde, I'll wait for you to lay down a rhythm track before doing mine. Also, I think we agreed that you are more then welcome to do the 'solo' on this song. If we want me to provide a harmony or something during that part, let me know. Otherwise I'll just stick to one rhythm track (doubling yours).

Lets knock this one out. It has only been in progress for about a year and gone through about a dozen line-up changes. :p
My rythem track is up.

Rabies: I wasn't sure what the main rythem behind the part that starts at around 1:20 does when the overdubs come in.
I played the main riff up until that point, then at the first overdub part I played lower, starting on a minor 3rd, and after that section went back to the regular riff. My thinking was that you'll will probably play the major 3rd on G, and I think it will go together nicely. Then we can mix in those high note overdubs later and I think it will sound good. It should make sense after you listen to what I played.:)
El Hydo,

Bit confused. mate. Sounds to me like you ARE playing the major 3rd on G there...or at least one guitar is. I typically continue to repeat the main rhythm there..and let the overdub guitars add the 'flavor' notes. Is this what you mean?

I'll play what you want..I am just not quite sure what you want. I'll have another listen..and this time play along..

Who is mixing this bad-boy anyway? Hyde? I'll try to keep my guitars real dry..to match yours. I'll let the mixer add verb to both guitars so they match better in the end. =)
About the overdub harmony section:
I'm starting on the minor 3rd on that part. E and G (a string 7th fret d string 5th fret) I thought about playing the main riff throughout, but I decided to try and accent that part instead of leaving it all to the overdubs. It sounded like you started on the major third on g on the tracks you did before so I chose to play lower. Play what you feel is right, and if my track won't work, I can always redo it. I'm not too happy with the way I flubbed a certain note, and the way I lose my timing toward the end in a couple of places, but I'm never happy with my playing!:lol:

I tried to match your tone that you used on your example.
My tone is pretty much dry, there is just a slight hint of reverb in there.
I can mix this if no one else wants to.
My first attempt at a rhythm track up. Let me know what you think Hyde.

My thoughts:
1. My tone on the example was heavy EQd...I significantly boosted mids in an experiment to get that POM sound. What I submitted is the same POD settings I used in the example..only without any post EQ work. If you want my tones to better match your guit recording, take any parametric EQ program and boost my mids.

2. This song is hard. Rhythm-wise. Possibly the hardest maiden song I know. It seems so freaking simple..but it seriously challenges your alternate picking, timing and palm muting. Do you agree Hyde, or am I just whacked? Its easy to just sloppy play along to the CD with..but to record it and nail it is tough. I heard some flubs on all the tracks to date - const, Hydes and even the mighty MM! I was actually kinda surprised to hear even a minor flub on MMs track! So I don't feel too bad.

3. In light of #2..I have learned that my alternate picking is sloppy. Forgive my recording..If you want me to spend tons of time on it and record in pieces, I may be able to pick more cleanly. I dunno. I don't think I have any flubs..but there is plenty of sloppy picking going on...droning that low E on all these riffs was a bitch. Maybe I need to use a heavier gauge string... :loco:
I'll go get it and let you know what I think.

On your first point, my guitar track had a lot of natural mids, and I'll remove the amount I don't need. I feel it's better to have them there ,so I can remove the excess later, than it is not to have enough and have to boost, because when you boost the mids you also boost the noise. I'm sure your sound will work fine.

Second point:
Yes this song is hard to play, because of the timing, and the picking. It is really fun though. I played it all the way through, several takes, and then decided just to leave my flubs, for now. (Even though I hear everyone like it's amplified 300% LOL) I may eventually decide to redo my track, but for now, it's ok.
Hey guys, I did a little production work on eagles last night and found that we all sound like we're tuned differently.
I'm not in tune with anyone, rabies, you aren't in tune with anyone, and Constantine, you aren't in tune with anyone.

Rabies, our guits, are slightly off with each other, and together we're pretty far out with the bass.

It's weird, I didn't notice it until last night.

Rabies, I know you have our tracks, will you check our tuning on the files you have, and see what you think. I want to make sure that my ears aren't just out of phase or something!:lol:
Hi Hyde,

I'll check. I didn't notice anything tremendously bad when I was recording...as far as my track..I tuned about 6 times before and during recording (between tracks of course :p ). My tuner may be out of whack though..I'll check tonight to make sure its set at a=440
Hey guys. I'm not sure if I stated my point about our tuning clearly. I didn't mean that our instruments weren't tuned properly to our tuners, I meant that we aren't tuned properly to each other. Everyone sounds in tune individually, but together we aren't in tune with each other.
I posted a sample (eagles sample) so you guys can listen. To my ears, it's horrible, but I'd like your opinions.

Note: Even tuners that use A=440 as a standard reference, even two identical tuners, same brand and model, can vary slightly in their tuning. We might all be tuned properly to our tuners and still be off.

Hyde! Something is wrong on your end. That mix you put up was hideous. No wonder you made a comment. I don't know what is going on there. What software are you using to decode the mp3 files of the individual tracks?

It was nowhere near that bad when I was recording. Just to be safe, i went ahead and mixed down the version of what I had prior to sending you my individual track....I posted it on myplay..I hope you agree its much better.

...however, I do think our guitars still don't mesh quite right. I don't know if they are slightly out of tune, or if the tones don't compliment each other well....let me know what you think. I had to mix the whole song..sorry.. I didn't want to spend the time porting over to another app to chop the song down...so instead I'll make you download a whole 6 minute song. :p
I checked out your file, and it does sound more in tune than the one I posted. I don't know if you compressed the bass, but I noticed the tuning variance after I compressed the bass and made it more consistent.

I did some experiments on my end. I converted my guit file to mp3 and back to wav, and inserted it into my prog. along with the original. I noticed a slight degredation in quality, but the files remained in tune. I tried the same thing with your guitar file, and Constantine's bass file, with the same results.

For whatever reason, the files I have are not in tune with each other.

I still think we tuned to a slightly different reference, but if the files sound ok to you guys, then I'll live with it, but I don't think I will be able to do the mixing.

Yes..I compressed the hell out of the bass track.

Maybe what we can do on future projects is start by every instrument hitting a low E (or whatever) for about 10 seconds before the song starts - or at the end on those songs with little lead-in time. That way, the mixer can determine up front if instruments are out of tune on the files he has. We could also make sure that before we record, we are in tune with the other instruments...rather than just our tuner.

I'm down for re-recording my part again with the new method if you want to see if we can get a better tuning. I have not heard from anybody else (const/mm)...
If you compressed the bass, I'm at a loss as for an explanation for why my files are more out of tune. Your mix sounded more in tune than mine.
When I recorded my track, I didn't think I was out of tune with the bass. It sounded good when I recorded, otherwise I would have altered my tuning then.

I was thinking about having a tuning reference somewhere also. Here is the confusing part for me though, why are the files you have more in tune than mine? I couldn't duplicate a tuning problem through the conversion tests I did, so that makes me wonder if there is something else, maybe in the download causing it. I don't know. If I download a tuning reference, that is somehow changed, then I'll still end up out of tune! AAARRRRGGGHHH.

I don't have any objections to re-recording my track.

Rabies, I'd appreciate it if you would do a favor for me. I'm going to make an mp3 with a little bit of my guit, your guit, and Const's bass on it. I'll mail it to you, would you then check the segments along side the files you have and see if they are out of tune with the ones you have and let me know what the result is?
Sure Hyde!

I think I understand what you want.

I am at a loss for why yours was out of tune. If I remember, you had also suffered from the synching issue. :err:

Lets figure out whats going on before we spend more cycles recording tracks that can't be used.

Lets make sure to implement the tuning idea for the tracks we do together at least...maybe the others will catch on. :D If we can ever get MaidenMan to crank out the 'Reach Out' Drum track, we can start with that one.

*HINT* MM! :loco:
Please let me know if you want me to do another bass track for this song.
I don't want to settle for somthing half ass, A year ago I would say we are in the learning stages of this project, but the bar is lifted and we must aim for 110% on every project.

I like the idea of a root note to start the tracks, I'm quite surprised that we are so out of tune:confused:

Is there anyway a mix could take place with one guitar and drums and then posted? I would like to use that instead of just drums.

Anyways let me know

P.S., when were all caught up on projects, I would really love to do a Rush song if you guys are up to it.:cool:
Constantine: When I recorded my track, I didn't think we were out of tune. After I downloaded Rabies' guitar track and started mixing, I noticed we sounded out of tune.
I posted a sample to show how we sounded, with the obviously bad tuning.
Then rabies, posted his version, and the tuning doesn't sound that bad. For some reason the files I have sound out of tune, and the files rabies has, don't sound as bad.
I don't have an explanation for the difference in tuning.

I sent rabies a sample of my original dry guitar track, your bass track, and his guitar track, so he can compare them to the tracks he has. I haven't heard back from him yet on whether or not they are out of tune with his files.

I'm hoping that they match his, and we can just re-tune and get this song finished. If they are out of tune with his, then something in the chain, probably on my end, changed the tuning and I have no idea what.

On another subject:
There was a lot of noise on your bass track, it sounded like electronic noise, and hiss. If possible, it would make the recording better if you could find out what it is and get rid of, or limit it.
Sorry Hyde,

I got the tracks today in the mail. I will compare them tonight and give you the rundown. Yes..lets figure this out so we can determine a course of action.

I love playing this song..its challenging..I certainly don't mind re-recording if thats the path we must take.