Where In The World Is Redshirt 4.0


Jul 30, 2002
Lost Angeles
oh yeah, he's back!!! here's another crop of redshirt's latest amazing adventures - where in the world 4.0 - this shirt has seen alot of miles huh!! :headbang:
i was wondering this too hahah - but look.. no stains! the immaculate redshirt :lol:

congrats jenna!! nice horns redshirt - tell us about the hike :headbang:


Sorry for the huge delay but working insane hours!! BTW, nice crop job with the shirt in the skeleton pic Sara. Nice guess on the location too Jenna.

I was actually in China to climb a mountain. After that I stayed in Beijing a few days to see some sites before heading home. One thing I wanted to do (and did do) was hike the wall from one city to another (Jinshanling to Simatai). It's about 5 miles and takes about 4 hours to do. Pretty cool experience. Oh yes, the shirt is washed often and does have some fade.
Actually what is funny is that I am typing this post from China!

I am stuck in Shanghai where its fucking COLD out! If you have read about all the blizzards in China, yes I am stuck in them! LOL

I am coming back on the 8th though, just in time for the Galaxy show. :D

I looked around for a Blue Iron Maiden Shirt, so I could post where in the World is Blue Shirt, but I couldnt find one! LOL