Where is One Inch Man

Leave a note in your will stating that who ever receives your assets must carry out your final request of informing your online metal brethren of your departure.
cthulufhtagn said:
i was thinking yesterday, if one of us died nobody would ever find out, it'd just be like "huh all of a sudden he just stopped posting" :lol:

Same here, I've wondered what would happen if someone whom nobody knew offline posted a suicide note on a message board and then pulled the trigger, how long would people consider it to be a joke and what would happen once someone brought up his/her prolonged absence from the forum?
I was thinking about him last night, in a non-sexual way of course. Maybe he's working on massive updates for the Royal Carnage webzine? :grin:
Thomas Dybdahl - "From Grace"

Oh, that's so nice! I saw him live last year, and although I got thoroughly bored after twenty minutes, it's still really nice and soothing music... Have you heard the song "Adelaide"? The violin is beautiful...