Where is our Nick Midson ?

Just back from hols - and amazed this hasn't attracted some discussion

The last time I checked the thresh.net site NM was still officially on a break but having seen Pete play in Nov 07 and again earlier this year, he was so clearly much more a real band member the second time. Right now it seems strange to think of Threshold without Pete

Any other thoughts?
Pete's doing a great job and I agree with BDTM that Threshold without Pete would be odd at this point. Maybe they'll include him in the writing effort for next album, he could be the 'fresh wind' through Threshold's material that some people were wanting in the other thread (where people were complaining that Threshold was putting out more and more of the same)
Okay, let's not turn this into a Pete Morten appreciation thread! :)
It does seems a bit rotten that people are apparently not bothered about this, but...

The only version of the band I've seen live is the one with DW and PM. Therefore that's the version of the band I feel "attached" to. I don't miss Nick in the same way I don't miss Neal Morse, Chris DeGarmo, Martin Orford, Jon Jeary or how ever many other fabled ex-band members I've never clapped eyes on. (That doesn't mean I don't appreciate their contributions to the bands' albums, btw) I'm not exactly a recent convert, so I'm sure there are others who feel the same.

Also, people's memories are notoriously short (apart from Rob's, obviously) and we just move on to the next big thing/guitarist. It's not like Threshold have a history of stable line-ups!

I'll take cover now...
Also, people's memories are notoriously short (apart from Rob's, obviously)

Mine are shorter than it seems, actually: got into the band in 1994 but only saw them in 2001 for the first time. And having only seen that line up (except at the dvd show, in which there was Steve instead of Jon) of course I feel "attached" to them, for the same reasons Gilbo is attached to the new guys in the band.
I definitely need to see the new line up, indeed! :Smug: