Where the fuck is magsec

Who should be the new Moderator?

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Kids.. kids..

I do come by and see things. Most do not notice but I do perform mod tasks here and there. And as long as a war isn't going on I don't intervene ..I'll let you basta'ds enjoys yourselves.

And I am not 'American' ..I am not to be compared with figures of power in this country
..god, no.

Maybe I should hold a contest.. a trial of blood of sorts :heh: to determine the next worthy one, if there is to be one.

Maybe you shouldn't trust someone from Colorado, as they don't get as much oxygen in their system as regular people :p
And someone who wears a skirt and plays bagpipes.. well, is someone who wears a skirt and plays bagpipes :D
But not if it's a spelling one
I'd say Bodomite. Although he doesn't want to.
Because: He would never be around and if he were, he would encourage morer porn, gay piles and brawls.....it would be a mature childish playground *WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!* :lol:
Magsec is the only person who has enough skill in diplomacy to rule these boards...

i mean, take me for example, i'm pretty reasonable when it comes to trolls and stuff like that hapenning to the forum, but the first thing i can think about is making everyone dance naked or something :lol:

so no way, don't change mag

besides... ahem

"uh oh, be careful, my 47 inch dick might impale his dreadlocked head."
"You'd like that, huh, you fag"

And i rest my case.
:lol: :p
Hey, I am sure you can trust a drunken Yank in Hellsinki. I really don't give a shit what people post unless it's personal attacks(that are serious, I am not talking about picking on Canada or Scotland or the US :D), then I don't see a need to step in. I used to mod and admin one of the bigger videogame sites a few years back. I think I can handle the folks around here ;) :p

Sides, I can outdrink about any of you. :p
I dont really understand why there has to be a new moderator to be honest.
I think mag should stick with the title.