Where to (really) get Unicorn CDs?


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2004
Hi ppl,
I know it's somewhat lame to ask this thing as there is a sticky topic that should answer my question...BUT I just can't get the Unicorn cds. The End Records don't seem to have them in stock anymore and the guys at Mellow Records won't reply to my emails. If anyone has an idea where to get those things help would be greatly appreciated.

nope, I couldn't get em that way either. The mp3's are fine I guess, but it would be nice to have the real thing.
The End never had them in stock. I mailed them last year and that was the answer. It is said in the FAQ but that must be a misunderstanding.

Those pages where they sell hard_to_get CDs (like gemm.com or so, there´s more) could be an option, I never seen them in any regular catalogue.
Well, that really sucks. I looked at gemm.com and 38,50$ for "Emotional wasteland" is not really an option. I wonder who published the albums (Mellow Records?) and if they still own the rights. Well, seems I have to keep an eye on ebay and pray I can find them someday.
I got my copy of Emotional Wasteland from Mellow Records (took forever) and Ever Since I got from Dan himself, who very kindly went out of his way to do that great favor for me. :)
Well, for me it was pretty easy to get emotional wasteland, just ordered it from a portuguese online cdstore and that was it (it had to be imported from the netherlands, took about 3 weeks) ... just look for your countrie's online cdstores and you will eventuallly get it
A few years ago Lasers Edge got some copies in at an extremely cheap price! I bought both of them from there. Never have ordered from them again.