Where's the 8th album?!?

I really liked Paradise Lost, but seeing how The Damnation Game and Twilight in Olympus are my two favorite albums, I'd like them to head more in that direction. Maybe one or two straight metal songs would be nice though. Seven is sooooooooo awesome
I know what it is already. He told you there is just going to be one song on the album, that will be 58 minutes and 45 seconds long. I shall be EPIC

According to the universal progcodex, song reaches epic proportions after 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Song parts that are in freetime do not count. Also fade ins/outs do not count in this. Song that clocks below this time is considered as a lesser work.
I seem to be one of the minority who prefers my heavy metal to have heavy metal in it. I hope the next album continues the trend they started with The Odyssey and kicks the crap out of that ballady, operatic, symphonic stuff. Too many bands are doing that kind of limp-wristed sing-songy stuff already. Can I get an amen from the heavy metal congregation???? Also, why would you want the band to NOT progress? Why would you want them to sound the same way all the time? Anyone ever hear of Kamelot? I have four CD's by them and they all sound the same. What a waste of time and money. You can't trust reviews worth a crap. I hope SX keeps progressing toward new goals in the future and not back to where they came from, especially due to pressure. If they stay true to what they want to do, the next album will follow the Odyssey and PL and be even stronger and raunchier and I for one will be X-static........ Rock on and rock hard, guys, some of us will be rocking with you.
Too many bands are doing that kind of limp-wristed sing-songy stuff already. Can I get an amen from the heavy metal congregation????

Ballads and soft moments have been integral to heavy metal LITERALLY since its beginning. SX's balladry and symphonic work has always been in the 'omg epic!' vein of Iron Maiden, not the 'limp-wristed, I'm such a deep soul with a softer side' bullshit that Opeth and every band on The End records seems to enjoy.
i hope its not too dark, what i love about symphony X is alot of their songs give me a feel of spring or summer (Communion, Accolade), something thats contrasted with alot of bands these days. Don't get me wrong, im still partial to a good riff (like the last 50 seconds of set the world on fire etc) but i still love V and the Oddessey for having a successfull blend of metal, progression, and some more melodic symphonic stuff.

I think the craft of making a good album is lost on alot of bands these days, its all metal metal metal, or acoustic acoustic acoustic. Some of the best rock albums ever made are ones that successfully blend the two, Light and dark as Jimmy Page would of put it. People don't realise that if they contrast their heavy balls out riffing with a softer side they can highlight each side more successfully.
i hope its not too dark, what i love about symphony X is alot of their songs give me a feel of spring or summer (Communion, Accolade), something thats contrasted with alot of bands these days.

Everybody knows that Symphony X is strictly winter music. It's a fact. If you live in Texas or Florida, well, technically, you can't listen to Symphony X.

Come Detective...back me up, here.
V and the Odyssey are summer albums for me. Twilight and the rest are for other seasons. Lady of the Snow is the ultimate winter song.
That thread I started was epic, but if I recall, there was plenty of people who where feeling the same. I'm sure if I had waited a few days sumone would have posted it up! I just felt it was really badly released, advertised as a whole. As a symphony x fan, the first place you should find any news would be there website, not elsewhere. With Paradise Lost, most of the news was late, and found elsewhere, untill the cd was leaked which was also douche-baggery. Here is to hopping the new label fixes some of these problems