Where's the strangest place you've ever taken a crap?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I once took a dump on top of Mount Sinai in Egypt. I mean, it's not like there are any public bathrooms up there. We smoked an enormous amount of weed and I got the shits, so I found a crevace in the mountain and let loose a small, but neat, bowel movement. Of course, there was no paper handy, but I did have an empty Marlboro box...the scenery was so phenomenal, it felt like I was leaving my seal of approval.

It's good to be back at RC. :kickass:
also I regret to say I once took a piss on the Reichstag.

It's hard to believe that this:

is now the beautiful city that Snow2Fall lives in.
*remembers scene from History of the World pt 1 where Mel Brooks, dressed as Moses, walks out with the 15 Commandments written across 3 stone slates...and then drops one*
lizard said:
also I regret to say I once took a piss on the Reichstag.

It's hard to believe that this:

is now the beautiful city that Snow2Fall lives in.

oddly enough, in the current issue of Time Out New York ... the cover article is about porn. It mentions that Berlin is THE city to go to if you are into scat and scat parties. It seems the Germans like to smear and be smeared ... it seems to be called "kaviar" in porn talk.

Mauren ... care to chime in? :loco:
Yeah, the Japs are mentioned of course in all areas of twistedness ... but Berlin is the king of scat supposedely.
it's odd about the japanese because they are rigid, but then again they openly encourage their weird sexual fetishes at the same time. beautiful people.

i can't think of the weirdest places i've taken dumps, but there certainly have been many dangerous situations. lonely rest stops 50 miles away from anything, dangerously bad bar shitters, girlfriend's houses, etc.

mt sinai though, that's the fucking winner right there.
haha mia rules.

i'm surprised e-bortion hasn't shown up to answer the topic at hand with "in a girl's mouth." :dopey: