Which 5881 tube?


Apr 20, 2005
So I finally got a Sovtek Mig 100. An ancient long lasting wet dream of mine. Don't ask why. Mojo, I guess and also maybe my Russian roots.

It's all original, minus the switches and two power tubes were removed by the previous owner so it operates at 50w.

All the other tubes are original and I must say it sound great and really unique as it is but I think changing 20+ years old tubes won't hurt.

At least I want to take it back to 100w which involves using a brand new quad of 5881. I haven't been a huge fan of these tubes in the past so using 6L6 might be an option but I'm not sure I want to change its character too much.

So I'm wondering what brand to look for when it comes to 5881? Maybe Soldano owners can chime in?
I have a Krank Rev Jr. which runs on 5881's as well.

TBH, I dig the cheapie Sovtek 5881/6L6WGC's just fine.

I have also tried the reissue Tung Sol 5881's, Tung Sol 6L6GC-STR's, and JJ 6V6S's in the amp. I prefer both the Tung Sol 5881's and Sovtek 5881/6L6WG's to the others. Out of the two, the Sovteks sound slighty more open and headroom-y. The Tung Sols sound more squishy, and I guess more traditional 5881-ish. The Sovteks also have edgier high-mids and slghtly scooped low mids, and more open lows which are shifted slghtly lower down the spectrum. The Tung Sols are bright but not harsh and not particularly fat, but not too thin either. I feel the Sovteks are more metal-mix-ready, but the Tung Sols have a cool rock vibe going on.

I believe the Tung Sols are not supposed to handle more than 400V on the plates, so not all amps can run them. The Sovteks can handle 500V no problem, so you can drop them on amps that run regular 6L6GC's as well.

I have not tried the newer JJ 5881's. I want to try them.

Other than those three, there's not really much options when it comes to 5881's unless you want to go NOS. Not sure if the Sovtek 5881WXT's are different from the Sovtek 5881/6L6WGC's with the smaller base at all. I have read they are the same tube just with a different base.
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