Which album do you like best?


Tyrant in Distress
I'm curious which Watcthower or Spastic Ink album everyone prefers. I know there's only 3 between the 2 bands, so there isn't a lot of room for discussion. Personally, I like "Ink Complete" the best, followed by "Energetic Disassembly", then "Control and Resistance". I read interviews with Ron Jarzombek talking about how he was shopping around with the Ink CD and most of the labels wouldn't touch it because it was all instrumental. Man, what a bunch of morons. That CD is easily one of my top ten favorites, ever. I think "Control and Resistance" has a more refined sound that "Energetic Disassembly" and is definitely a better album, musically, but the aggressiveness of "Energetic" makes it my preferred Watchtower CD.

So, there's my opinions, anyone else care to share?
As I love Alan Techio from his work on "Hades" and "Power" and "Non Fiction" I will go for CaR.
ED is very close behind though. And Ink Complete!

I love them all though!
This is progressive babies!!!!!!!!!!
Dunno. Guess I like "Control" a bit better than "Energetic" because of Alan. He is one of my two favourite singers. The other being Devon Graves aka Buddy Lackey.
I LOVE "Energetic" from second one I receveid my vinyl from Jason back in 1985. Still have a sealed copy and a signed copy ... plus a copy that Ron might not be happy about :Saint: (remember the pic on the WT page, Ron)
I'm curious which Watcthower or Spastic Ink album everyone prefers. I know there's only 3 between the 2 bands,

Wow, old thread, but since there's a fourth album now (I'm assuming Ink Compatible naturally wasn't counted here, yet), maybe another shot at the question would be appropriate. Of the two Ink albums, I prefer Complete, but my favorite would come from the WT work, though: it still amazes me how Ron, Doug, and Rick combine to make music that to me is the yardstick by which any other progressive/technical metal is measured. And to me none other measures up yet, even if Ink comes close. That being said, and however excellent Billy's compositions, since I mention Ron there already, my vote goes to Control And Resistance - but, uhm... in spite of Alan's vocals :blush: It may partly be due to the 4-song pre-C&R demo I got with Jason's vocals, before he left for Dangerous Toys, but Alan's vocals just aren't for me.
I'd have to say Ink Compatible does it best for me. 'In Memory Of' is probably one of my favourite songs of all time. Every single track stands out uniquely on its own, but then they all come together to create what I consider to be a perfect album. And it's made even more special to me personally in a way because none of my friends really 'get' prog metal - so I can just sit and enjoy it to myself without giving a flying damn about what anyone else thinks!
Yeah, 'In Memory Of' is an amazing song.

@NeverMarty: Also have that C&R demo with Jason plus several livetapes with Jason singing those tunes. And as much as I LOVE his way of singing, I still prefer Alan here. He is one of my heroes. Even better in old HADES ... but that is another story ...:notworthy
I was listening to that the other night.. the beginning to Sex With Squeakie is one of the coolest parts on that album. And Rigidude isn't one of my favorites or anything, but it's one of the songs that portray the image the best. It easily makes me think of the WT guys just hanging around shooting the shit and laughing, and suddenly this dude just walks in and everyone falls silent and watches this guy do random tasks the whole time, and everyones thinking 'what the fuck?'. Same with Squeakie, I can totally see those 2 getting it on. Snuff and Ive Got the Runs Really Bad totally kickass, as well as 2/3 of Satan. So much can be said about this album...
My solo CD "Solitarily Speaking Of Theoretical Confinement" is WAY better than any of that Spastic Ink or WatchTower crap... :Saint:


My vote goes to PHHHHP!! :D

Seriously, though, SSoTC is excellent. Ink Complete is still my favorite because it totally blew my mind when I first heard it. Despite the music being more intricate on Ink Compatible and SSoTC, they didn't have quite the impact because my horizons had already been broadened.
Marty, I think the only time(s) the same tunes may have appeared on an Ink or Tower recording was right when I finally fixed my hand in the early '90s and was starting to play again. I was writing tunes and wasn't sure if they were going to appear on Mathematics, or what turned into 'Spastic Ink - 'Ink Complete'. Lots of tunes in 'Mosquito Brain Surgery' were brought in to Bobby/Pete and Rick/Doug. WatchTower was going through some sort of "new Tower" phase (which I didn't care for at all), so all of the cool, intricate stuff went to Spastic Ink. And there also may have been some tunes written for 'Ink Compatible' that may have been brought in to WatchTower for Mathematics.

All of the tunes written for 'Solitarily Speaking...' were always intended to be played on a "solo" CD (mostly meaning no human drummer was ever going to play the drum parts).

My favorites are Ink Compatible and Control And Resistance.

I pretty much put Ink Compatible and Ink Complete on the same level, but I associate Ink Compatible with a couple of really relaxing and enjoyable flights and one train ride. I always think of those times whenever I listen to that album.
I prefer SSOTC, mainly because Dee Fore is the best drummer evar. According to interviews and internet reports, Dee Fore is bound to suffer the same fate as Peter "James" Bond. :goggly: Seriously, SSOTC is an excellent. Being a music dork I like the conceptual ideas and hearing them implemented.