Which band's back catalogue should I get?


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I'm running dry here. I need something new, so help me out here. I'm familiar with some albums by these bands, but not all, so help me out. Tell me which albums I should get. If the band sucks, say so.

I've just been going back to early-mid 90's bands lately. Early Sentenced being one of them and I love that stuff. Amok rocks. Anyway:

Only Darren White era; not interested in anything after Pentecost III. I heard this stuff a long time ago, and remember thinking it was pretty good.

I've only heard Mental Funeral, are the other albums any good, because MF rocks!

I dunno why this band intrigues me, but I've never heard anything from them.

I know nothing about this band except what JayK says about that one album and that Van Drunen did vocals on two albums.

Pungent Stench
Only thing I know is that Martin Schirenc is in the band. Any good?

I have never heard more than two songs by this band, but people rave about the early stuff.

Is Beyond Sanctorum any good? I think f Darknes is decent and remember liking the third one. I am not interested in the heavy metal muzak.

I remember liking Wildhoney. Are the earlier death metal albums worth a go?

I remember liking Wildhoney. Are the earlier death metal albums worth a go?
A Deeper Kind of Slumber > Wildhoney ~= Clouds > The Astral Sleep > Sumerian Cry

All are FUCKING WELL worth getting. ADKoS is 0% metal but one of my ten favourite albums ever, just pure genius. I love them all. Everything after that can be safely (and preferably) ignored.
Oh yeah and get the Anathema stuff too, it RULES. And if you buy and like the Darren stuff but not "The Silent Enigma" you make NO FUCKING SENSE. It's technically not "Vincent era" in that it has the clean vocals and whatnot. Anathema's best album and 100% essential.

Therion "Beyond Sanctorum" is OK, not half as good as the ANUS fanbois say. It's a more developed version of "Of Darkness" I reckon. It somewhat bothers me that Therion like to steal riffs though ("Future Conscience" vs. Sepultura "Funeral Rites", "The Return" vs. Candlemass "Dark are the Veils of Death")
Erik said:
Therion "Beyond Sanctorum" is OK, not half as good as the ANUS fanbois say. It's a more developed version of "Of Darkness" I reckon. It somewhat bothers me that Therion like to steal riffs though ("Future Conscience" vs. Sepultura "Funeral Rites", "The Return" vs. Candlemass "Dark are the Veils of Death")

Yeah, i always wondered if Beyond Sanctorum was just one of those random mediocre albums that they love to praise, kinda like Demilich's Nespithe.

I'll end up getting the ANathema stuff.
Yeah fine, it's not like anyone else on this forum has bothered with purchasing Tiamat albums no matter how many megabytes of praise I post (except Markgugs, though I think his "Astral Sleep" only ended up in The Pile... With any luck MAYBE he'll have listened to it once by now. :D)
actually i was going to get Wildhoney as soon as I find a place I can get the original for a cheap price.
ScottG said:
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse is a must.

matt99_crew said:
I don't have all of Pestilence's stuff, but the ones I do have are outstanding.

I'll chime in for Pestilence too. I don't know their first well enough (Malleus Maleficrum), but it's very 'raw' sounding. The second (Consuming Impulse) I have never heard, but I've never heard a bad word said about it.

Testimony of the Ancients is a work of art. Takes a few listens and then you're sucked in.

Avoid Spheres, unless you've suddenly found a penchant towards Cynic and Atheist and other forms of contemporary jazz.
Erik said:
Oh kool. I can't remember what albums or whether you thought they were 1488/10 WÖRSHIP ÖR DIE though.
I've had Wildhoney for many years but purchased A Deeper Kind of Slumber upon your recommendation. Both are quite kickass.

Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients rocks, I don't know your thoughts on Death but if you dig them, get Testimony. It's like, the same but different, or something.
Erik said:
$5.98 including the "Gaia" EP

and buy ADKoS for $5.99 and "The Astral Sleep" for $5.50 while you're at it

I prefer the original. Even though the CM re-releases are of good quality (better than most), I still prefer the original if the price is reasonable (I recently bought the re-release of Sentenced's North From Here, since the original The Trooper EP sold for over $40; WTF?). I see the original Wildhoney is on half.com as well, and I'll get that as soon as my eBay auctions end and I get some money.

I also want the original Serenades. That way I can get Crestfallen/Pentecost III 2 for 1 without overlapping songs.

No opinions on Satyricon's Dark Medeival Times, Shadowthrone, and Nemesis Divina?
i havent heard the first two satyricon in their entirety, but nemesis divina is definitely worth getting. great riffs, great tone, great everything.
Erik said:
Yeah fine, it's not like anyone else on this forum has bothered with purchasing Tiamat albums no matter how many megabytes of praise I post (except Markgugs, though I think his "Astral Sleep" only ended up in The Pile... With any luck MAYBE he'll have listened to it once by now. :D)

Erik, I love you :tickled:

In honor of you remembering that I'm a loser AND because you called it "The Pile," I am breaking out this album today to listen to! I will remove the new Blood Red Throne & Bloodbath CDs from my player, and get to Tiamat! :headbang: