Which brand of cell phones...


Lt. Horatio Caine
Jun 20, 2003
...have Symphony X ring tones?

Yes, I know it's pathetic, but this is how I will be determining which brand of cell phone I will purchase.
I've got Out Of The Ashes as a ringtone in my Nokia, but I guess you can get those in almost every kind of cell phones... Just search the web, that's how I found mine :)
I'm thinking of maybe having the Sea of Lies tapping bit or the Fallen intro as my ringtone. Or maybe the Of Sins and Shadows main riff. Oh, I don't know!
my next cellphone purchse i will be looking for one that does really good ringtones. Check out the website when its up and see what ringtones they have and what phones theyre compatible with.. then chose a phone that way.
The Yngster said:
I have a verizon phone (had to get it because of family plan) and there is no way to get custom rings :(

Me too,,:Smug:
Man, I wish I could have a SmyX ring tone on mine. This sucks, but I do like the phone. Maybe next time, huh?
Yeah, mine says "Symphony X" too.

U put it on what is called "banner", under the different options u have. I can't remember off the top of my head which one "banner" is under, but just check each one and u'll find it .:p
Thats how I did it. Just kinda figured it out when I was on my work break, (I was bored, so I played w/the phone):grin:
Good luck, hey if I could do it, anyone can..heehee
Thanks...I got it. One of my friends told me there's something called "Composer" where you can put in MIDI notes for the ringtone, but I've been unable to find it.