ok show us your cell phones


Cell phone paid for by work FTW
The more advanced cell phones become, the less the idea of having one intrigues me. I'm over having a cell phone at this point pretty much. I rarely use it, and the thought of having one of those fandangled internet/mp3/email/nevergetoffline phones honestly scares me. I really hope I never need the internet that badly. So without further ado, here's my piece of shit:

supporting my idea that the internet is a worldwide conspiracy for world government to take over everyone's lives.
I made the little squid cut-out thingy. Well, I didn't make it, but I cut it out, because I knew it would make for a rockin' squid phone!!

love this motherfucker, honestly couldn't go back to using a "normal" phone anymore. it's so easy to text on this, even without using the virtual keyboard (I can text just as fast with t9/word + the regular keypad).