Which guitar?

Which guitar do you prefer?

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Unrepentant sentient
Jan 26, 2002
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Ok, the time has come where I've decided that I need a second guitar. My current is a yamaha sg500b, perfect for what it does, but it has only 22 frets, and no whammy bar/tremolo arm/whatever you want to call it. Anyway, I've decided on BC Rich after playing one in a music store and finding it perfect for my particular technique and style, and now I've got to decide which model I prefer.
Which is where YOU, the people whose opinions mean most, come in ;) Here are the two models:



Which one do you guys prefer? Vote in the poll so I get a semi-accurate result :)

P.S. - Nick, don't go on about the Ibanez, I just don't like it :p
Dark_Jester said:
Ok, the time has come where I've decided that I need a second guitar. My current is a yamaha sg500b, perfect for what it does, but it has only 22 frets, and no whammy bar/tremolo arm/whatever you want to call it. Anyway, I've decided on BC Rich after playing one in a music store and finding it perfect for my particular technique and style, and now I've got to decide which model I prefer.
Which is where YOU, the people whose opinions mean most, come in ;) Here are the two models:



Which one do you guys prefer? Vote in the poll so I get a semi-accurate result :)

P.S. - Nick, don't go on about the Ibanez, I just don't like it :p

Quilty Warlock all the way, given a free choice of the new NJ models it'd have to be the Assasin.....mmmm blue quilty goodness.
The virgin fits my aesthetics more, but the warlock is more exciting. black.
SWEET! DJ, I was thinking of getting a black warlock myself. Either one is cool.
Theres one really nice ESP one I want to get and you might like too since ESP are great guitars

[damnit, lost the URL]
instead ofthe URL I hav a comment about Anders Friden:
he brings too much of a rap influence to the band
:lol: idiots on the IF board... ever heard of The Jester Race?
This one dude:

I can get it for ya in Target for 5 bucks