Which guitar?

Personally i play through a Marshall JCM900 combo amp though a move to either a blackstar or a vox valvetronix is a possibility in the future. I've been forcing a higher gain sound with a Boss Metalcore pedal. Frankly i havn't mastered engaging two pedals at the same time yet but that's the technique i've been using to get a volume boost, have the clean channel turned up higher than the distortion one and then flick over to that in time for the lead breaks.

My other main guitar is a BC Rich Mockingbird, an NJ series one with a floyd and to be honest i'm a fan of the floating bridge over anything else. I did use it alot previously but since i've been using the jackson i havn't had one to play with and i just know its going to be a few weeks work to get back into it.

The criteria i fixed for myself when i went looking for a new guitar were basically: neck thru, 24 frets, floyd rose, active pick ups and a funny shape.
Personally i play through a Marshall JCM900 combo amp though a move to either a blackstar or a vox valvetronix is a possibility in the future. I've been forcing a higher gain sound with a Boss Metalcore pedal. Frankly i havn't mastered engaging two pedals at the same time yet but that's the technique i've been using to get a volume boost, have the clean channel turned up higher than the distortion one and then flick over to that in time for the lead breaks.

My other main guitar is a BC Rich Mockingbird, an NJ series one with a floyd and to be honest i'm a fan of the floating bridge over anything else. I did use it alot previously but since i've been using the jackson i havn't had one to play with and i just know its going to be a few weeks work to get back into it.

The criteria i fixed for myself when i went looking for a new guitar were basically: neck thru, 24 frets, floyd rose, active pick ups and a funny shape.

I would try not to move to a valvetronix, they're nice but the high gain sounds get muddy fast, especially if you're going with a super high output pickup. If you're really set n the EMGs could you not put them in your current guitar? There are a lot of guitars with 24 frets and Floyd Roses, I'd recommend checking out Ibanez especially. I would make sure the bridge you're getting is a true Floyd Rose, there are a lot of bad imitations. WHAT IS YOUR BUDGET!!>!>
Budget is about £900 max. Ibanez make nice guitars but i want something oddly shaped so thats iceman or destroyer really, neither of which meet my other requirements. Theres no way i'm routing any more cavities in my guitar for the batteries though!
What amp and other gear do you use? It has become pretty common for metal guitarists to use overdrive or distortion pedals to boost amp distortion, mostly to make it tighter when playing in lower tunings, and now there are manufacturers making specific pickup-boosting pedals.

Also, are you a heavy whammy user? Have a bridge preference? Although my only Ibanez is a fixed-bridge seven, their "ZR" trem is (in my opinion) one of the best I've ever used.

Aye! This knight hath had many a satisfying whammy from this Ibanez "ZR" bridge! Tune'age stability be'ith most excellent! Howe'er this tremolo be'ith featured on but a scant few Ibanez banshees!

In addition, let this knight voice his agreements about a overdrive boxes! This may be just ye sonic ingredient that thine tone need'eth to reach metallic nirvana!

This post now concludeth!
I've come seeking the Black Knight's guidance once more.

I have been set on the NJ Deluxe JR-V and indeed in the 2012 range, there is a white one, it looks awesome! However, with my new band the other guitarist wants to work in higher tunings and the bassist and drummer want to cover some Trivium so again i'm considering a 7-string. Ironically there is a JR-V sever string but i'm not swayed with the BDSM pick ups.

Should i stick to what i know and downtune a sixer or take a risk and go for a 7, having never touched one before in my life?
Lower tunings that's meant to be. The NJ Deluxe is out in April, i can get the seven string now. Would it be a mission to fit emg's in it?