Heavy strings for a Bronze Warlock (tuning ?)


New Metal Member
Jul 6, 2008
I've heard that some low dropped tunings require certain guitars. I use regular strings for my BC Rich Bronze Warlock, and drop C tuning sounds pretty bad with them.

I was wondering, with a cheap guitar like the BW, could I put heavyweight strings on it and, say, play Drop A, B, or C tunings with it without messing up the tone dramatically??
your tone will change depending on the kind of strings you use. every gauge and brand will sound different. i use 11s for tuning to D. if you want to play any lower, buy a better guitar. low tunings sound best on 7 string guitars, or a baritone guitar. baritones have a longer scale but are still 6 string.

if you wanna play in B or A you best get a 7 string.

and lastly, your tone doesnt just suck because youre dropping on small strings (though that definitely is part of it). BC Rich bronze is the worst of the worst. total shit
your tone will change depending on the kind of strings you use. every gauge and brand will sound different. i use 11s for tuning to D. if you want to play any lower, buy a better guitar. low tunings sound best on 7 string guitars, or a baritone guitar. baritones have a longer scale but are still 6 string.

if you wanna play in B or A you best get a 7 string.

and lastly, your tone doesnt just suck because youre dropping on small strings (though that definitely is part of it). BC Rich bronze is the worst of the worst. total shit

Thank you very much, gR. I'm planning on getting another guitar next year; I never have thought about getting a 7 string, but I plan on it now :) thanks again.
and lastly, your tone doesnt just suck because youre dropping on small strings (though that definitely is part of it). BC Rich bronze is the worst of the worst. total shit


since this thread is here, I want to put my new axe (schecter hellraiser c-1) in C. I'm gonna have to get it set up, but what string guage do you recommend? (you being someone with experience)
dont count on it, though theyre your best bet. they dont stock large numbers of things they dont sell. and lets face it, most people going to guitar center are dumb and dont understand what the proper gear for their sound is.

btw, when i want to play in C i just take my 5 string bass, or 7 string guitar, and tune it up a half step.
I have that guitar and it'll sound like crap whatever you play with xD.
Playing with 12s or 13s will feel a lot better though (ie your strings won't be around your knees as they would be with 9s) and will improve the tone slightly, but playing with 12s or 13s generally improves standard tone anyway.
I would agree with getting a 7 string or a baritone. Avoid getting a guitar with a floyd rose if you wanna play in low tunings and don't wanna have to pay for springs the size of your forearm.
I could recommend some guitar makes, but it's all down to personal taste when it gets past not buying a squier strat :P
dont count on it, though theyre your best bet. they dont stock large numbers of things they dont sell. and lets face it, most people going to guitar center are dumb and dont understand what the proper gear for their sound is.

btw, when i want to play in C i just take my 5 string bass, or 7 string guitar, and tune it up a half step.
they had one pair left, Ernie Balls. I'll probably order some more online, but they're sounding good so far.