Which Pink Cream 69?


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
I don't have any Pink Cream 69, and its not a band I am familiar with. I am an eMusic subscriber, and they only have a couple of their albums available for download. So I'm going to ask the experts: You guys. I know a lot of you like them, so which one do I download? These are the choices available to me at eMusic:

From 2004: Thunderdome
From 2013: Ceremonial
I haven't heard Ceremonial. Thunderdome is solid. But let me say this... whether eMusic has it or not, find a way to listen to Sonic Dynamite. :)
I started with Thunderdome, and really liked it. On the other hand, I haven't gone back and bought any of the others. I'm not sure what that indicates.....
Between those two, I would go with Thunderdome. I also subscribe to eMusic and they used to have more to pick from, but only those 2 now it seems. Strange....

Also, if you're familiar with Helloween, the current Helloween vocalist Andi Deris was the original vocalist for PC 69 on the Pink Cream 69 (1989), One Size Fits All (1991), Games People Play (1993) records.