which SDC? Oktava? akg?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I'm in the market for a new set of stereo SDCs.

I've heard good things about the octavas (mk12?), I've used and liked the 451s, read you guys write good things about the nt5 also.
I currently have a set of km184 and am loving those, I'm looking for a set that's cheaper but as close in quality and sound as possible...
it'll be used to spot mic cymbals and hats.
the nt5 seem to be in the same price range as the mk12.

any recommendations?

<500&#8364; for the pair would be ace.

EDIT: I know, this question has been asked a million times already...just found some info through the search.
still, if there are any new or more opinions...discuss
For close mic'ing cymbals I would maybe go for something with a pad on it.
AKG C391B (SE300B with a CK91 Capsule) tend to go cheap on ebay, are practically indestructible and are flat enough that they sound good on pretty much anything. -10db pad and hpf. You can also get hypercardiod, omni, figure 8 and shotgun capsules for them, so they are really flexible.
I have both the KM184's and the NT5's and honestly there's no comparison, the NT5's pale in comparison to the 184's mainly on OH's, they work pretty well on acoustics (NT5's) but all around the 184's smoke the NT5's. I'd say, look for the MK12's and mod them or go for the AKG C391B as was previously mentioned, I've used these before and they're much better than the NT5's. I'd probably describe the NT5's as really thin sounding on overheads but in a pretty bad way, while the C391B's gave that round shimmer on overheads
Have you heard of the Miktek C5? It's supposedly amazing and even better than a KM84 (or maybe the 184, don't remember).

If it were me though, I would probably look at some Oktavamods, opting for all the polar pattern capsules, just because I like options/versatility and don't own any non-cardioid mics.
akg c451? sennheiser e914? shure sm81? rode nt55? audio technica AT4022?

No offense dude, but how is that supposed to be helpful?

I would suggest oktavamod mk012 as well but it would be slightly above the 500 euros limit. They sound great tho and the non-modded ones are good already.

I heard a lot of good things about the Beyerdynamic MC930 (apparently the poor man's km184) but I've never used them so I can't really tell. (I think maybe dcb from the forum own a pair of these?)

I would stay away from the at4041. Very thin sounding.

Wasn't thrilled when I tried the C451b but I had good results with older c451eb. Those are great if you can find them.

Don't really like the nt5. I know they are popular but I always felt they where over rated.

I had mixed to crappy results with se electronics se1. They were very trebly and died on me twice. Plus I think they are about the same as the cheap t-bone sdc.
I'm using 451s as well. They're bright but in a good way... I rarely add any high end to the OH during a mix. They sit just right.
I really like the oktava mk012's. They're great on overheads and I've actually used them on vocals a good bit. They're great on clean singers. They're very clear mics and add a nice warm quality without being dull or dark. They just make stuff sound nice!
If I were you I'd get a stock set, see how they suit your needs and if you feel they need it then send em off to get modded down the line. To be honest they'll probably suit your needs perfectly stock.