recommend me a good SDC


Mar 29, 2009
Hey guys,

My AT2050 broke, and guitar centers awesome warranty is giving me a full refund :heh:

So I'm getting a check for $165 and I wanted to get myself a small diaphragm condenser, hopefully to turn it into a pair. If you can reccommend me a pair for $165 then awesome! But I also wouldn't mind buying a single SDC and then when I get more money buying a second.

These will be used strictly as drum overheads....maybe some acoustic guitar on rare occations.

I was looking at the AT37 - any comments on this one?
MXL 603 are supposed to be really good for the money, stupid cheap too. I can also recommend Studio Projects C4s on the low end of the spectrum as well, I have an older pair that sound great and the current ones are supposed to be even better.
nt5s are on my list, but are a bit too pricey for me right now. I was planning on eventually upgrading to them but buying some cheaper ones for now. Definitely going to look into those MXLs and the C4s.

I've heard some pretty bad reviews about how crappy the MXLs are though...