Which singermusician yo like to see do a solo cd?

Isn't Opeth practically Akerfeldt's solo project already? He writes all the music.
polarity said:
Isn't Opeth practically Akerfeldt's solo project already? He writes all the music.

He writes all the chord changes, riffs, vocals, etc. but I'd say Mendez and Lopez are at least 25% of the overall sound (about 50% on the D&D albums), and what would Opeth be without all that twiddly lead guitar stuff?
Andy Sneap! Get some random fucker to sing for him and start thrashing again like the Sabbat days.

And for no reason at all, I find myself wondering what Christina Scabbia singing for a speed metal band would sound like.

BINGO, there's the combination. Speed/thrash written by Andy fucken Sneap with the LC chick singing. Get Steve Digorgio on bass, cause he's in every other band, and Uli Kusch (ex-Helloween, now in some other band) on drums. Hell, put Roland Grapow on the other guitar. That'd be fucken sweet.
Pyrus said:
BINGO, there's the combination. Speed/thrash written by Andy fucken Sneap with the LC chick singing. Get Steve Digorgio on bass, cause he's in every other band, and Uli Kusch (ex-Helloween, now in some other band) on drums. Hell, put Roland Grapow on the other guitar. That'd be fucken sweet.

So that's... what, 5 solo projects in 1?
Ignore that and realize how awesome that would be.

Actually, put Danny Carey on drums and watch him and DiGorgio go at it.