Which song lyrics do you like the most?

i think is the best world lyrics XD:kickass: Je Collectionne Des Canards (vivants) - ultra vomit

Dés qui a un spot a la télé qui me parle d'un canard
j'y vais, j'y vais
Dés qui a un spot a la télé qui me parle d'un canard
j'y vais, j'y vais

Je collectionne des canards ohoh
Je collectionne des canards par millier
Je collectionne des canards ohoh
Je collectionne des canards vivants

Dés que je surfe sur le web et qu'Ebay vend un canard
J'achéte, j'achéte
Et si quelqu'un surenchéri,
Dardar je surenchéri, chéri chéri

Je collectionne des canards ohoh
Je collectionne des canards par milier
Je collectionne des canards ohoh
Je collectionne des canards vivants

Je sais que c'est impossible
Mais moi j'y crois
Je sais que c'est impossible
Mais c'est comme ça

Je désir acquérir tous les canards de la planéte

(à vous les canaaards !)
coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin...

Je collectionne des canards (x4)
Nous collectionnons des canards (x8)

coin coin coin coin coin...
Just post a song and the set of lyrics you like from the song, if it's the whole song then just say the whole lyrics or you can post the lyrics

Me personally I like In The Shadows's lyrics.

Mainly these Parts

Can scissors heal a man torn of tears,
A fading I fear inside.
The reaper in sheet will stand by me
I'm dreaming, I'm wearing a black dress that night!


(This part is whispered at like the most epic part of the song)
So it's right...
I can leave the shadows!
The last one has to survive!

ITS is the best COB song for sure, but all COB lyrics suck balls

At the left hand ov god - Behemoth


Anal Cunt - Ha, Ha Your Wife Left You

"your wife left you,your wife left you, you're not only a loser but you're also a jew"
^ Genius :lol: (Edit, not you TheKid, you f-ing postjumped me, #$^%@)

I love the Bloodbath - Bathe in Blood lyrics, so rhythmic...

"i keep my eyes on the screen
pulse oximeter flash in indistinct green
tapping of the veins haemoglobin rains
bloodbath now will occur

in dysfunctional belief
pressure of the blood is set to be relieved
tappping of the veins haemoglobin rains
heart is being disturbed"...

And on and on