While You're In Atlanta

Exploding Ned

Sep 1, 2003
Southeastern U.S.
On Sunday, the day after Progpower ends, there's a Record & CD Show in Atlanta, at the Metro Inn (formerly Ramada) off I-85 exit 86, then exit on Monroe, then look for Armour Drive. It isn't the largest show by any means, but there is always a fair bit of metal along with all other types of music. It's from 10am to 4pm and costs $3 admission. I know most of you will probably be leaving on Sunday, but if not, you may want to stop by. I'll of course be set up there, albeit still frazzled from PP, but there are other vendors there with metal as well, and like I said most other genres are covered too. There's a Taco Cabanas within a few blocks too, I always stop after the show for several cold Negra Modelos and soft tacos. I have a feeling after that weekend is over I'll have to make it several DOZEN Negra Modelos. :loco:
Pellaz said:
Taco Cabana rules. I'll go there with ya. :) Fajita nachos! \m/

BTW, are you sure that's Ellis St.? If the Record Show is in the same hotel as before, isn't it on Armour Drive?

You're right, it is Armour Drive, there are 2 or 3 turns after you get off 85. Isn't Ellis in there somewhere though?

Yeah stop by Taco Cabana, hell I'll buy you a beer.
Exploding Ned said:
You're right, it is Armour Drive, there are 2 or 3 turns after you get off 85. Isn't Ellis in there somewhere though?

Yeah stop by Taco Cabana, hell I'll buy you a beer.
Gee, that's an easy promise. You know I don't drink. :)

Okay, so here's the new and sorta official directions to the Record Show from the ProgPower venues and hotel area:

1.) Take West Peachtree St. north past Earthlink Live. Shortly thereafter you'll come to a split in the road. Veer left. (To the right is a traffic light at Peachtree St.) This is how you get to I-85 North from the venue.

2.) You'll now be on a bridge and the Fairfield Inn will be to your left and below you. Stay on this ramp, which curves north and leads to the old I-85 (two-lane divided highway). After about a half-mile your first exit ramp on the right should lead to Monroe Drive. Take this exit.

3.) At the top of the ramp (it's like 50 feet long) take a right (there should be a fire station right in front of you). You're now heading south on Monroe Drive.

4.) Go down that hill and take your first right under the freeway onto Armour Drive. Keep going until you see the hotel entrance on your left. Turn into the hotel and then I'd suggest staying to the right and parking in the back, closer to where the Record Show is held. It's inside that ballroom in the back. You'll probably see people going back and forth.

Total travel time from Earthlink Live on a Sunday morning is about 3 minutes. Maybe four if you're slow or unlucky. It's mostly easy right turns.

Bring $3 for admission. (You get stamped so you can go in and out.) I recommend getting there before 1pm as the dealers start packing up around 3pm. I'd suggest getting there earlier, but none of us (except Exploding Ned) will be able to drag our tired asses down there that early. :loco:
Pellaz said:
Gee, that's an easy promise. You know I don't drink. :)

Okay, so here's the new and sorta official directions to the Record Show from the ProgPower venues and hotel area:

1.) Take West Peachtree St. north past Earthlink Live. Shortly thereafter you'll come to a split in the road. Veer left. (To the right is a traffic light at Peachtree St.) This is how you get to I-85 North from the venue.

2.) You'll now be on a bridge and the Fairfield Inn will be to your left and below you. Stay on this ramp, which curves north and leads to the old I-85 (two-lane divided highway). After about a half-mile your first exit ramp on the right should lead to Monroe Drive. Take this exit.

3.) At the top of the ramp (it's like 50 feet long) take a right (there should be a fire station right in front of you). You're now heading south on Monroe Drive.

4.) Go down that hill and take your first right under the freeway onto Armour Drive. Keep going until you see the hotel entrance on your left. Turn into the hotel and then I'd suggest staying to the right and parking in the back, closer to where the Record Show is held. It's inside that ballroom in the back. You'll probably see people going back and forth.

Total travel time from Earthlink Live on a Sunday morning is about 3 minutes. Maybe four if you're slow or unlucky. It's mostly easy right turns.

Bring $3 for admission. (You get stamped so you can go in and out.) I recommend getting there before 1pm as the dealers start packing up around 3pm. I'd suggest getting there earlier, but none of us (except Exploding Ned) will be able to drag our tired asses down there that early. :loco:

Thanx man, great directions! Sorry, didn't know you refrained from the 'liquid arts'. Maybe we'll haveta go to Hooters & have a waitress coax you? :tickled:
Evil said:
that sux... we're heading home @930 sunday morning...dammit!

Yeah you should always try to stick around Atlanta day after the show, there's always something going on. Hell, skip the flight, go to the record/cd show, & take Greyhound home later.
MetalRose said:
I'm glad you posted this. My flight doesn't leave until way after I'm kicked out of my hotel. I'm glad to see that there are things going on on Sunday. I just might stop by!

It is a fun stop, and there's a good BBQ, an Einstein bagel joint, and a good mexican restaurant within a few blocks, in case you need to kill some more time.
Exploding Ned said:
Yeah I don't think there's too many BBQ vegetable restaurants in Atl.

Taco Cabana is closest to the record/cd show, & they have several veg items.

They're also open 24 hours...which is extremely handy at, say, 4am on Saturday morning when you're blearily staggering home from WREK-FM. Yum, fajita nachos! "Go ahead and give me the to-go box now, I never finish the whole pile anyway." :rock:

Add another minute to the times I quoted earlier (i.e., make it 5 or 6 minutes) and that's how long it would take to get to Taco Cabana from the venue or the hotels. (At the fire station mentioned above, turn left instead of right and when you come to Piedmont Road, the restaurant is staring at you across the intersection.)
Exploding Ned said:
Yeah you should always try to stick around Atlanta day after the show, there's always something going on. Hell, skip the flight, go to the record/cd show, & take Greyhound home later.
trade a 3 hr flight for a 18 hr buss ride???

uummmmm no sorry ;)