Whisky- *hic*- Thread


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2004
Unlike the Now-Drinking-Thread, i don't care what Whisky you're drinking at the moment, but i'm interested in what Whiskys you like, and which one you would'nt recomend to all of us to drink. It's never bad to know a little bit of the booze you want to buy ...

My favorite at the moment is Glenmorangie Single Highland malt.

Whisky Rocks!
Jack Daniel's ! That's No Whisky! That's some bloody american window-cleaning-liquid! I'm talking about REAL whisky, that you can drink without adding Ice or Coke or that stuff. But if you just want to get drunk, Jack Daniel's may be good enough for ye.
I can deal well with all the low-price whiskey's on the market...Johnny Walker and what not...but really though, single malt is the best...I'd say Glenlivet...
Well, for me, it depends: If i want to drink some Whisky-Cola or stuff, i would never (ever) buy a good Whisky! But i would never buy a blendet Whisky if I want to drink it without mixing it. So I can understand your decision for Johnny Walker. It's just funny if you hear some people talk about "good" Whisky and they think, Johnny Walker Black Label would be a good Whisky :)

PS: :OMG: Wow, Patric postet in here without any sarcasm. I'm honored.
Dickels fellas. For those of you who think american whisky sucks, try dickels. hard to find (only south of the mason dixie line), it will give you quite a treat. smooth, tasty, knocks youi on your fuckin ass, gives you beer muscles and makes you want to knock everyone in the world unconcious. Its beautiful stuff.

Also, old grand dad is very very nice, and wild turkey will do in a pinch.

Jack is something i drink often, only because its hard to find the other stuff sometimes.
Here is to my favourite, reminds me of many drunken nights at the Irish hut, mix that with Guinness, it's like a time bomb.

Paddys irish whiskey and McCallen 18, the Guiness and whiskey drink is called a car bomb. tasty shit
Hmm...I don't really like Ardbeg, for me, it tastes like ash too much. I can just lick an ashtray, that's about the same flavour, but way less expensive :grin:

Laphroaig is cool. (I mean the Whisky)

New favorite: Isle of Arran Single Malt, 9 Years old

Cheers & get drunk! :loco:
Here's another vote for Laphroaig, I've tried to keep a bottle of that handy the last couple years. When I'm drinking Guiness, I go with Jameson's, for any of you still living under a rock, pour half a shot of Jameson's, half Bailey's, drop it in a glass of Guiness and pound it, you got your car bomb, good shit