White Skull

i have spoken to olaf thorsen of Vision Divine
he is currently writing new material for the third album and getting inspiration by taking a holiday to Easter Island off the coast of chile for some peace and rest.

Olaf is very keen to play bloodstock and we are in the process of talking to vince about this.

if you havent seen VD live its a treat Fabio is so much more comfortable singing with them than he looks when he is singing for rhapsody in my opinion. They are a very tight band with great songs so lets hope we can get them over to UK soil.

have a look at this site


rock on

x steve Looseunit Scott x:mad: :)
Well done Steve

I wish I could have a holiday to Easter Island for some 'inspiration' :lol: But seriously it's cool that VD are interested in coming to the UK and can only be a good thing for us Euro-power metal deprived Brits :D Let's hope it comes off :cool: