White sticker seal things on new CDs

They are infinitely better than the dogbone stickers from years gone by, but yes, they are in need of being taken out to the desert and shot.

I haven't seen one of those dogbone fuckers since like 1994 and I they still make my brain say(s) raaaaaaaaaage.
I have to use my nails to scrape the stickers and glue off and sometimes I break my nail. But better than the CD case.

One of those devils tore off a nice piece from my N' Crugu digi-book when I tried to remove it :[
What kind of an idiot would place a sticker on a paper case anyway?

(Yeah, perhaps Code666)
spaffe said:
One of those devils tore off a nice piece from my N' Crugu digi-book when I tried to remove it :[
What kind of an idiot would place a sticker on a paper case anyway?

(Yeah, perhaps Code666)

Mine too! It was a big "WTF"
Dude, I received the awesome looking N' Crugu Bradului box in the mail as a collectible since I had my promo copy to listen to. But I really wanted to check out the leaf that was packaged with the box, so I said what the hell. I studied that damn sticker for like 15 minutes trying to figure out if there was any way to rip it off without damaging the package. There isn't. The INSTANT I started peeling the damn thing, it ripped the package, so I was like, "well so much for it's worth." I ripped off the rest and when I handled the leaf, it was so dry and brittle that it fell apart as well. I was like, man, "what an investment THAT was."
I don't think mine had a sticker on it, and if it did it wasn't a pain to remove because I don't remember any struggle and there is no blemish on said box.

The NB box however, what the fuck was up with the cardboard sleeve!?!? That my pals was so tight on the cunting CDs that it took me about 15 patient minutes, using a fucking screwdriver, to remove the jewel cases without ripping the box.

Uhuhuhhhhuh ripped and blemished boxes ew.
One Inch Man said:
The NB box however, what the fuck was up with the cardboard sleeve!?!? That my pals was so tight on the cunting CDs that it took me about 15 patient minutes, using a fucking screwdriver, to remove the jewel cases without ripping the box.

Uhuhuhhhhuh ripped and blemished boxes ew.

Hehe yeah I also spent quite a lot of time trying to extract them without tearing that silly box, but to no avail :[
I still but them back in there after listening to one of them though, else it would be complety pointless keeping it in it's present quite shabby and tape-mended state. But in defense of Code666 I should add that they where apperently not made by them, the Code666 guy told me when I sent a whiney mail to him, that some romainian company (if I remember correctly) had made them. But that sticker should weigh heavy on their consciences.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned that many mnay MANY DVD's now have THREE of those mother fucking white sticker bastards, UGHAMUGHAFUCKTHATSHITFUCK
Yeah those can suck it too. BUT a lot of those are really easy to remove quickly and easily, only a few have caused me problems. Actually I think it was only one, Castlevania for PS2. I ended up ripping a chunk of the plastic cover shit off. But I was really drunk when I checked the mail and it was in there, and I wanted to play it RIGHT THEN, so I pretty much blame myself for that one.