Who are you?

Okay okay... My name is Paris. It's supposedly a shortened version of my Greek name (Yes, I'm Greek. Okay?) which translated into English means Friday. I should be called Friday, but nah.

Oh, and no. I am not Paris Hilton, nor do I have anything to do with her. Just making that clear. :)
Okay okay... My name is Paris. It's supposedly a shortened version of my Greek name (Yes, I'm Greek. Okay?) which translated into English means Friday. I should be called Friday, but nah.

Oh, and no. I am not Paris Hilton, nor do I have anything to do with her. Just making that clear. :)

Nikki is also Greek, and she's well-liked by everyone, so I doubt anyone would have a problem with your heritage.

And speaking for myself, I don't see why your name is so bad. I don't think you should have to suffer for having the same name as the biggest slutbag horse-faced cumdumpster ever to walk the face of the planet. So take pride in your name ;)
I love Firewind. XD My ex got me into them, because he's a total Gus G fanboy. :lol:

Anyways... These are straight off my Myspace, and the best ones I have for now. Brace yourself.
There is also my avatar. That is me.


And I never meant to turn this thread into a thread about me. :p