Who are you?

My name is [Jani]


lol you did it!! :D Better than any other foreigner I've heard, even our English teacher (who's British) couldn't do it 100% properly ;)

I wish people wouldn't describe us as "British". I'm English thanks, because I come from England that's my country. Britain is just a land mass.
Hi, my name is Tuija and I'm from Finland. Oh yea. And my name is also quite difficult to pronaunce for a foreigner. I'd say... There's almost everytime Thuja or Tuja or Tuuja... :D But it doen't really bother.
Oh and I'm sorry cos of my english. I haven't been using it for awhile.
I think this is my third post here? And first one in english.
I'll try to get my own homepage space and then I'll show you a few COB photos.
^:lol: neat username


/caps :p

But yeah isn't this thread complete?

The list should be about ready to go into the main sticky now, no?

No! It's not complete yet. :mad:

Fine i don't want to feel left behind, the name's Mara (but i really prefer being called Mima).