Who at the RC forums has the most similar musical taste to yours?

:err: i think this could be interesting, eh...

for me: i'd probably have to say NAD. erik is big into black and doom metal like me, so he'd probably be second choice... but NAD seems to be down with a lot of prog-rock, avant-garde, extreme... very varied in his likes. so NAD, come get your ego-boost here: you share musical tastes with the greatest genius who ever lived.
I didn't think anyone would align with my tastes. :loco:

What I like about this forum is that everyone seems to have their own little specialty genre, but I think I'm going to go with npearce because he likes (and usually recommends to me) all the weird stuff like Manes, Goatsblood, Khanate, etc., but also we share some key "normal" albums as our favorites like Danzig III, Tool - ÆNIMA, and Carcass - Heartwork.
Haha, good point. Although I suppose there's nothing normal about being the Greatest Album of All Time. :p
None of you. Though perhaps Papa Josh would come in closely. He has the most era-spanning, widely varied tastes that doesn't get too out there.
You could probably calculate something like this by having everyone list their top 5 genres and then see where the similarities are...
I think it might be Papa Josh, he's the only one I see regularly mentioning regular Heavy Metal names. I think there's some correlation with Jaykeeley and NAD (if it was him who put The Darkness on his Top 10 2003 list :cool: ) but I don't go as far into the extreme end of the spectrum. It's an interest.
Ayeka said:
but I don't go as far into the extreme end of the spectrum. It's an interest.
I don't think I know anyone else who goes out of their way to hunt down war pagan metal / NSBM rarities as much as you! (Between getting Judas Priest and Cinderella picture LPs of course). :D

One side feeds your denim & leather interest, the other incites your closet Nazi political fury...but which one is which? :loco:

How's that Forefather working out for you anyway?
I don't think I can name my top 5 genres, they change too often. Case in point when I first arrived 'round these parts melodic death was the best thing since sliced bread to me. I can't even stomach 90% that shit anymore.
Pah! There's a ton of other NSBM stuff out there that needs to be checked out. Once you get the contacts it's no probs. :oops:

As for Forefather, it didn't really grab me that much first time. I'll need to give it a few more spins, maybe it'll be a grower.

Funnily enough, I have a mate who's regular listening ran along the lines of Spineshank, Korn and other dabblings of mainstream bands who I've accidentally managed to turn onto to Viking-era Bathory and Temnozor. I expect Foreefather will be right up this new street of his!
I like that Forefather. In fact, I think I prefer it to recent Forefather, which is borderline power metallish. I liked the nasty production, dirty riffs, and black metal vocals. Their latest is almost too clean and fluffy sounding for me.

Ayeka, I'm now really getting into NSBM. The Kristallnacht that Jay traded me f'n' rules.
Oh yeah, Kristallnacht was one of my early finds! I take it that you have Of Elitism And War then? I should have a copy arriving sometime next week, been WAY too long since I last listened to 'em. Fucking dirty, cool keyboards if you don't imagine them coming from a Disney soundtrack.

I'd also recommend Gontyna Kry, Ad Hominem, Temnozor and Wewelsburg...off the top of my head, and in that order too I guess! Some hella good stuff out there.
Ayeka said:
.... (if it was him who put The Darkness on his Top 10 2003 list :cool: )
That was me, little ole Chief B !!

I think the only person who may be 'aligned' with my tastes is General Zod. But I'm sure (I hope) there are others....somewhere.
ChiefB said:
I think the only person who may be 'aligned' with my tastes is General Zod. But I'm sure (I hope) there are others....somewhere.
The fact is, we all congregate on one band anyway - Iron Maiden. Well, all except Dreamlord but he takes it up the batty.
JayKeeley said:
The fact is, we all congregate on one band anyway - Iron Maiden. Well, all except Dreamlord but he takes it up the batty.
What about Black Sabbath or Metallica? I know personally I'm much more into those two bands than Maiden. :loco:
NAD said:
What about Black Sabbath or Metallica? I know personally I'm much more into those two bands than Maiden. :loco:
In time my padawan...in time....:cool:

Now go listen to "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" already.