jmbullet Drama maker Jul 31, 2006 3,126 11 38 Canada May 20, 2007 #61 When are COB going to release their second album ?
<-Warheart-> Fuck You Very Much Dec 24, 2005 11,180 72 48 England May 20, 2007 #62 inhe said: Click to expand... Oh dear...
Swabs HAHA COOL Oct 9, 2006 12,183 41 48 s May 20, 2007 #63 I love it when people don't understand, then I can laugh at their misfortune
SteveMCsteve Member Nov 16, 2006 3,401 1 38 Springfield May 20, 2007 #64 Children of Bodom are the best american heavy metal band eva!!!!!! ZOMG
M MatthewK Not Banned Anymore Mar 8, 2007 140 0 16 Georgia May 20, 2007 #66 Who the fuck is sporty one?
dreams_of_eternal_hate I'm in space Feb 25, 2007 5,168 0 36 Austria May 20, 2007 #67 are alexi and janne a couple?
dreams_of_eternal_hate I'm in space Feb 25, 2007 5,168 0 36 Austria May 20, 2007 #70 your daddy just kidding...
V +VictimOfTheNight+ Active Member Aug 9, 2006 8,620 113 63 May 20, 2007 #72 What is a post? What is a quote? What is an edit function button? (I'm so dumb, but whatever... it's me)
What is a post? What is a quote? What is an edit function button? (I'm so dumb, but whatever... it's me)
dreams_of_eternal_hate I'm in space Feb 25, 2007 5,168 0 36 Austria May 20, 2007 #73 Söy;6183178 said: DU BIST NICHT MEIN VATER!!!!!!!! Click to expand... Luke, I'm your father *puts black mask back on his face*
Söy;6183178 said: DU BIST NICHT MEIN VATER!!!!!!!! Click to expand... Luke, I'm your father *puts black mask back on his face*
Söy Not actually Soy Aug 26, 2006 6,727 59 48 May 20, 2007 #74 well in that case *leaves you to die in space*
eternal alchemist New Metal Member Oct 27, 2006 3,321 44 0 33 United Kingdom, England, Walsall May 20, 2007 #75 Why does nobody love me?
V +VictimOfTheNight+ Active Member Aug 9, 2006 8,620 113 63 May 20, 2007 #76 what is love, then?
eternal alchemist New Metal Member Oct 27, 2006 3,321 44 0 33 United Kingdom, England, Walsall May 20, 2007 #77 I know! It's when you rub together with your friend
Söy Not actually Soy Aug 26, 2006 6,727 59 48 May 20, 2007 #78 WHAT IS LOVEEE? BABY DONT HURT MEEE DONT HURRTTT MEEE NO MOREEE
V +VictimOfTheNight+ Active Member Aug 9, 2006 8,620 113 63 May 20, 2007 #79 Söy;6183294 said: WHAT IS LOVEEE? BABY DONT HURT MEEE DONT HURRTTT MEEE NO MOREEE Click to expand... That's exactly the song I was thinking about when I wrote " what is love, then?".... Ricky, you got it right, haha!! Good.
Söy;6183294 said: WHAT IS LOVEEE? BABY DONT HURT MEEE DONT HURRTTT MEEE NO MOREEE Click to expand... That's exactly the song I was thinking about when I wrote " what is love, then?".... Ricky, you got it right, haha!! Good.