Who can program some drums for me?


Just another nobody
Feb 17, 2009
I want to cover a few songs, but now that I have a baby I don't have the time to mess with programming drums (I suck at it). The midi files I've found online have sucked pretty terribly, and I figure someone would want to make a few bucks doing this for me.

Here are the first few songs I'd want to do:

Revolution is my Name - Pantera
5 Min Alone - Pantera
Prison Song - System of a Down
Any song off of System of a Down's Toxicity album

Let me know how much you'd want to do this.
i could give it a go in about a weeks time? (going on holiday toorrow) pm if you are interested
couldn't you just find a guitar pro file with the drums to those songs and export the midi, load it into your DAW, mess with the velocities, and route it to play through dfhs.
couldn't you just find a guitar pro file with the drums to those songs and export the midi, load it into your DAW, mess with the velocities, and route it to play through dfhs.

Yeah...I could. Between a new baby at home, my full time gig, and the recording studio....I'd rather pay someone for a job well done.
I'm going to go through my PMs today. I appreciate the responses that I've gotten. The more I think about it....the more I think I might want a real drummer playing.
I'm going to go through my PMs today. I appreciate the responses that I've gotten. The more I think about it....the more I think I might want a real drummer playing.

By real drummer do you mean that you would rather acoustic drums were recorded or would you rather a drummer play the parts on something like an electronic kit and send you the resulting MIDI?
Ken from Abigail Williams is excellent at programming drums, and likely has some time right now... and he's always down to make a few bucks... drop him a PM, his name on here is Sorceron
By real drummer do you mean that you would rather acoustic drums were recorded or would you rather a drummer play the parts on something like an electronic kit and send you the resulting MIDI?

Acoustic drums would be awesome. If I get a midi file it doesn't matter to me if it was done by hand or on an electric kit as long as it sounds human.