who does this song??


Balls in your moufff
Mar 21, 2006
ya know that song that they play....the chorus goes "new orleans is sinking and I dont wanna swim" and theres something like "...and i put my feet up on the bank and looked up to the lord and said hey man, thanks..."

if anyone knows that song please post it, very important, thanks
Pull The Plug said:

But what the fuck is it about? Why is there a random guy walking in the middle of a big circle of people?:kickass:

Maybe he wanted the full experience of the "wall of death" o_O
It happend to a friend of a friend at a Lamb of God show. Someone decided that they should do the wall of death during black label and that one guy didn't get the memo and stood in the middle going "where's everyone goi...AHH!"

Squashed pretty bad.