Who does what solo? (master list?)


New Metal Member
Oct 16, 2008
Does anyone have a complete list of who does which solos on Opeth songs? I can sorta guess from the styles but I'm not 100% sure on a lot of them.
well im not going to do a huge master list, but i can give my two cent's worth. They will probably be ones that you already knew

On the earlier albums i have no idea who does what solo.
On still life, Mike does the solo to Godhead's Lament and serenity painted death, while in White Cluster they are duelling guitar solos,

Mikael does the main solo on The Leper Affinity, but Peter does the sort of mini-solo with the sweep arpeggios. Mike also does the solos of bleak, harvest, the drapery falls. i think peter does the main solo of the funeral portrait, and he definiitely does the one on Blackwater Park.

I think mikael does all of the solo's on damnation.

I havent listened to deliverance enough to know exactly who does which solo, however peter does the first solo on the song deliverance (i personnally find this to be opeth's weakest solo) and mikael does the second solo.

I think that most of the solo's on Ghost Reveries were mikael's, the only one im sure peter did was the cazy one at the end of beneath the mire.

and i'm not even going to get into watershed because i think it's pretty obvious which player plays which solo.

It's especially easy to tell peter and mikael's solos apart. Mikael has a very smooth, flowing traditional soloing style. While Peter plays very choppy solo's that i find don't always sound to good. for example, the solo in deliverance sounds like peter took parts of 5 solo's from very different songs and pieced them all together. I'm not a huge fan of this style. also i find peter picks too hard.

Anyways, there's my contribution, add stuff on if you know any other ones.
I think i can figure out who plays which on most solo's, Mikael tends to bend and hammer more while Peter had a more "robotic" style (great though)
Peter's style was more technical than Mike's, and he tended to favor arpeggios

nah, he was very creative with combining melodies and chords, but he was very mechanical playing the solos, mike is very smooth and natural when he plays solos. I'm not saying mikes solos are better than peters, i think all opeth solos are cool, mike is just more natural and smooth when playing. kthxbye
Taking into account the rhythm acoustic part on TNATSW is played by Mikael (after "am I like them..."), and the fact that he's in the right channel on Morningrise, I'd assume that any solos on Morningrise in the right channel are Mikael's and any solos in the left channel are Peter's. That said, I really didn't go through the album to check. Same thing with Orchid, apparently, as Mikael also plays UTWM's ending solo on the Tapes, and the right channel is playing that solo on Orchid's version.

With that said, some of the solos for Deliverance/Damnation are shown in the documentary, and on the show of Lamentations.
This list is a good idea. Later I will try and count the solos on BP Deliverance, Damnation, and Watershed (Those are the four albums I have) and identify the ones I can.
I haven't seen much live so this is all I know or am almost certain I know, plus some I'm not sure what to think of the solos I've seen Fredrik do - did Mike just dump all of Peter's stuff on Fredrik or did the redistribute some.

When - Peter
The Leper Affinity - 1. Mike 2. Peter
Harvest - Mike
The Drapery Falls - Mike
The Funeral Portrait - They both seem very much like Peter's but I'm a little skeptical of him having both solos in a song considering Mike does the majority of the band's solo'ing.
Blackwater Park - Peter
Deliverance - 1. Peter 2. Mike
A Fair Judgment - Seems a lot like Peter, haven't seen it though
Beneath the Mire - 3. Peter
Heir Apparent - Fred
The Lotus Eater - Mike
Burden - Mike
Hessian Peel - Seems like Fred..