Is it just me, or is everything about this solo - the buildup to it, the backing riff, everything! - just fudgin' amazing? The second the solo starts is one of the best Opeth moments if you ask me, and that harmonized part, and that whammy bar dive... OH BABY!
While I'm rambling for no apparent reason about awesome Opeth solos, how about The Leper Affinity solo? Whoa nelly! Perfection! I wonder how long it takes them to write these...
Does anyone know who plays these solos? (Probably not, but meh.)
And while I'm babbling about awesome Opeth moments, does anyone else agree that the little transition in the Moor that leads into the first "real" riff of the song (the one with all the growls) is just sexcellent? (Yes, sexcellent.)
Well, as you may have guessed, I'm really bored, and I really like Opeth. I'll shut up now
While I'm rambling for no apparent reason about awesome Opeth solos, how about The Leper Affinity solo? Whoa nelly! Perfection! I wonder how long it takes them to write these...
Does anyone know who plays these solos? (Probably not, but meh.)
And while I'm babbling about awesome Opeth moments, does anyone else agree that the little transition in the Moor that leads into the first "real" riff of the song (the one with all the growls) is just sexcellent? (Yes, sexcellent.)
Well, as you may have guessed, I'm really bored, and I really like Opeth. I'll shut up now