Who does what solo? (master list?)

Clean solo during the acoustic part in AFJ is Mike, then the electric solos during the heavy riff go Mike / Peter....Peter comes in after the chord-bending thing that Mike does. Hessian Peel is Fred iirc. Burden, Mike and Fred trade off, I think Fred goes first.
I'm gonna have a crack at this seeing I spend my time tryin to firgure out who plays what solo. Here we go:
Orchid and Morningrise sorta hard to tell. It's like they hadn't figured out their styles yet.
April Ethereal - Solo Mike, Lead Peter
When - Peter
Amen Corner - 1. Mike 2. Peter (So I've seen in vid clips on the net)
Still Life:
The Moor: Peter plays most lead
Godhead's Lament: Mike
Benighted: Mike
Moonlapse Vertigo: Peter
SPD: Mike
White Cluster: Both duel and Peter plays the lead at the end
Leper Affinity: 1. Mike 2. Peter
Bleak: Solo i'm sure is by Steve Wilson
Harvest: Mike
Drapery Falls: Mike
Funeral Portrait: Both take in turns (like trading off) and i'm sure Peter plays the ending solo
BWP: On the roundhouse tapes it's Mike but fuck it's sounds so much like Peter's playing.
Wreath: 1. Peter 2. Mike
Deliverance: 1. Peter 2. Mike
Fair Judgement: 1. Mike 2. Mike 3. Peter
Master's Apprentice: 1. Peter (noise stuff) 2. Mike (more noise stuff) 3. Peter (Harmony lead) 4. Mike
Windowpane: Mike
IMTON: Peter
Death whispered a lullaby: 1. Mike, 2. Peter (end)
TRTD: Mike
GOP: Mike
BOTH: That mini twin lead thing is started off by Peter. Solo Mike
BTM: 1. Sounds like Peter but could be Mike 2. Mike and Per 3. Peter!!!!!!!!!
TGC: Mike
Watershed: This one aint really hard thanks to Fredrik being an Epic bloke!!
Heir Apparent: 1. Fredrik 2. Mike
TLE: Mike
Burden: Per (organ solo) Other two I think trade off or sometin like that (haven't really listened)
Hessian Peel: Fredrik
Hex Omega: Fredrik

There. Correct me if i'm wrong or please Mike, tell me Peter really did do the BWP solo and you decided to play instead live cos you love it so much :P
Maybe coz that solo reminds you of Deliverance's one, which Peter plays, you got the idea that he plays the BWP's too yeah? :D

Nah I actually heard the BWP solo before Peter's Deliverance one. I just love it so much for some reason and me and my guitarist always said it sounded like Peter. And you're right about it sounding live Deliverance. The intro to both solo's is exactly the same only in a different key. Same thing with the beginning of White Cluster solo only the note values are different.
This was Steven Wilson here. Mikael mentioned it in an interview years ago.

Pretty sure you're wrong there. On the old official Opeth site, www.opeth.se in the lyrics section of Bleak it's credited to Wilson. Drapery falls is Mike, i've seen an interview where he says he can't remember exactly what he wrote when he did the solo therefore plays it differently live. Though Steve Wilson did do sing the harmony to the last verse of Drapery Falls :)
I know a few from Orchid.

Both solos in "In Mist She was Standing' were played by Peter.
Mike plays the one at the end of Under the Weeping Moon
Forest of October: Duel solo, first Mike, then Peter, Peter does 3rd solo and Mike does 4th

I'll update when I find out more :)