Who gets the last word in?

Well I shouldn't say "most of them" , maybe half . And yeah , they were pretty offensive :D We're trying to see how much we can get away with ... :p
Haha, har du hört den där sång innan? Niklas Strömstedt...En Jävel På Kärlek... Jag vet att Anders har hört den. :p
Fastän jag vet att du gick på säng, Tomas, jag vill ju skriva den här för dig så du kan läsa den i morgon. Häromdagen, träffade jag Margareta Winberg, som är den ambassadör i Brasilien just nu. En pojke i min klass frågade för hennes autograf. Han är en riktig förlorare. :tickled:

Anyway, I better get back to work so see everyone later. :wave:
Oh god, I know! She talked about alot of woman issues, like rape, prostitution, ec. Alot. Ugh it was so boring. The same shit all over and over again.
And what's worse are the questions my classmates were asking. All of these girls were asking questions about the same stuff, like how native women are treated there, and other shit about trafficking. And afterwards everyone was asking me why I didn't have a question for her. Well gee, I wonder why...
Well you could have guessed the answer if you would have asked a question :p
She and the rest of her kind has such warped views that don't even match reality.
In their view, all men are rapists and womenbeaters and there is no cure for them so let's castrate them.
Of course in Norway they have a very successful treatment for these sort of things where 7 out of 10 men stop with what they are doing and live normal lives.
Of course for Margareta and her feminazis this is unheared off since they are helping the men and you shouldn't do that.

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