Who gets the last word in?

Ha yeah. She was saying how it is actually worse in Denmark since the problem is getting worse, not better. I truthfully did not expect that though, for her to talk about this for a whole hour. I thought she would talk about a variety of things. Guess not.
Yeah, she was saying how prostitution is more of a problem there. That kind of stuff, and while the Swedes are working to resolve the problem, the reverse is occurring in Denmark. *shrug*

I don't know, bottom line, I thought her visit was boring and I found it amusing how my classmate wanted her autograph. "Oh come on, she is very well known!" Give me a fucking break. How shallow and ignorant can one be. :rolleyes:
Wow, she has really put her head in the sand.
Prostitution is far worse here.
While we don't have street prostitutes, they are now thanks to Margareta and her stupidity in the hands of pimps.
Of course they just keep ignoring this even tho evidence is being presented to them.
The pros in Denmark is far more free then here.
We went the wrong way.
Interesting. Too bad you weren't there then. I would have loved to see you lip her off. ;)

Anyway, I should go because I need to get a phone call out of the way and get back to work. Hope you have a nice rest and goodnight. :wave:
I'm sorting out my current situation. Went to the second part of a gig last night, bought about $300 of CDs at the first part of the gig the night before, have to buy more CDs today before I fly back home...very broke, but have lots of new music ^_^

How be ye?
Well as long as you have music you're not really broke , are you ? :) A little Ninja wisdom for ya .
Eh , everyone's watching the stupid Super Bowl and I'm not because I don't like football ... thinking about going out .
Wow - you sound like my ex :tickled: I dunno .. probably shopping , and probably by myself because all my friends are watching the Super Bowl :yuk: I'll see ya later , Ethereal One :wave:

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