Who gets the last word in?

Thrash is one of those genres that tires me after a while. I can enjoy music that incorporates elements of Thrash but not Thrash in its purest form too much.
Evile are an excellent band. I love thrash. For the entire time I've been into metal up until the last year or so, I have totally overlooked thrash. I first listened to bands like Kreator and Sodom, which didn't really appeal to me; I was more into things which were written to perfection or at least well thought out. Now I can't get enough, I love Sodom and Kreator for what they are. Thrash is simple and that's what I find enjoyable.
My top five albums of this year so far (not in any order):

Lamb of God
Lazarus AD
The Black League
Novembers Doom

I'm not aware of too many big releases besides Slayer between now and the end of the year, so unless a smaller band surprises, there may not be too many changes to that list. I know a lot of critics are going to have Mastodon on that list, but I find their music kind of boring and overrated. The Lazarus AD may need an asterix beside it, because technically the album was released a few years ago on a tiny label, and is only now seeing the light of day having been re-done and released on a bigger label. I would definitely recommend checking it out regardless.
What gets me about Thrash is how little experimenting I've found in it. While there are definitely unique sounding bands, I can't seem to find out of the ordinary elements worked into it.
I meant hopefully I'll get a decent night's sleep. I didn't even know it until last night, but it turns out Motorhead was playing in Denver this weekend while I was there. I could have seen them twice, although realistically, Denver was all about the beer.