Who gets the last word in?

I'm from the north part, most of the time kind of spring weather, don't have any idea what snow is, except the ice you can get from the freezer, although we have great ski resorts on the south part of the country, so I believe snow is great, but I also think it might be annoying when you have it one complete season....but for example my xmas are with 25 degrees celcious. ahahaha

oh that's great...congratulations because we are great women!!!! you are very lucky in having a woman like us....jhhahaha proud to say that!!

how long have you guys been married??

by the way Concepcion is wonderful city...very rainy, my city is in the area of the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world...so everything is yellow yellow yellow....and there in the south everything is green...green...green...

how do you manage your chilean language.......
yes that's good, english always good, my parents reised me in an english enviroment, so now i'm working with english, but is good they can learn two languages, great 11 years ...it's a life...congrats...

this week has been soooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

I want my weekend.......i'm sooo tired......

one more day......pffffffffff