Who gets the last word in?

Wow, I can't believe this thread hasn't been put to use since last time I visited.

What the hell happened to this godforsaken place?!
Yeah Naf, it's hard to believe how much traffic this forum once got. What have you been up to?

I wish I could speak Japanese! Have been too busy studying others. Do you, AllShallFall?
That's so cool. Are you learning it on your own or have you been taking courses? It is such a fascinating language. What about Japanese draws you to it?
Opening up a brewpub. Sounds awesome! Just hope it wouldn't be in any shady areas of the city.

Me, I got back from Sweden not too long ago and will be continuing my grad studies on the west coast here. Already moved and am checking out what this side of the country has to offer.
Damn, that's too bad, but in a way, I agree that there are too many there already, anyway. I used to live on Whyte Ave and after a while, got really tired of constantly having to wade through drunks and/or bums. How about something on the other side of campus, like around Lister Centre/Windsor Park? Mind you, you'd attract a lot of underaged idiots à la Dukes.
We're also considering downtown. There is a location near where the new arena is going up, close to Grant MacEwan that could be good, but would need a lot of start-up work, and the lease rate would have to be negotiated from what they are asking.
@Naf: Nice, sounds promising. I've never been a fan of downtown but seeing that they are upgrading that area, it would make a great spot.

Welcome back, Ankalupe! You joined while I was on one of many hiatuses so I don't think we've met, but nevertheless, it's great to see some more traffic here.
That's so cool. Are you learning it on your own or have you been taking courses? It is such a fascinating language. What about Japanese draws you to it?

Well, it's just a very interesting language. it's very different from English, and it's a very diffuclt but worth-it challenge to learn it