Who gets the last word in?

Lhorian said:
It probably will, the other two had enough wrongs in it I think.
Have you seen the extended version of TTT?

Are you sure she looks like that? Although I have top agree about the inflated role she got...
I'm telling you, she looks like a horse.
He Naf,

What have you been doing? I almost thought we had lost you, but luckily it is not so.
How the little fellow that for sure has kept you of the street?

Wassup? well, nothing really, just the usual keeping ourselfs busy and of the street while contesting in the only contest that is worth contesting in while trying to uphold that we do not entirely waste our time by saying nothing at all in a way that keeps us busy long enough to look forward to another good nights rest. Nothing special at all...
No, I'm not lost, but life has been extremely busy as of late, and unfortunately something had to give...the amount of time I spend on UM :D

The little guy is keeping us running, that's for sure, but he's so much fun to play with and so full of love. I wouldn't mind freeze-framing him at this stage for a while :D
Hehe, Antonio sounds like a good excuse not to be spending time with idiots like us on some board:)

Would you, by any change have some new pictures of the little guy? I think his website is a bit behind schedule...not that I'm complaining:)

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