Who gives a shit, really?

Oh man
I bought the new split between Leviathan and GaKAITHROUGH I'm cool but really you bought some rare, limited record who gives a fucking shit??

Wow, I bought some shit. Big deal. What's the point of collectors items? I have abunch of 70s albums on vinly and none of them mean a SHIT. What's the point of collecting shit if all you hear is muscis shit?

It;s mucsic feal deal wiht with it!!!!

What is the real reason for collecting records anyway? its retarded. listen to music and shit. i bought a record for /.50$ once and it was cool.

Whjat am i talking aobout?

try not to create new threads when your drunk

But really, I hate the idea of "collecting" music. One should just listen to the music and be done with it. Mythoughtsz for the night. I stopped collecting when I stopped buying GI Joe toys.
I'll admit that it's pretty gay, because it makes it more difficult to aquire the music, but sometimes its really cool because if you have it you can go to other people and be like "haha I have it you don't neener-neener"

That said, whenever I buy limited edition vinyl I usually rip it to my computer and upload it to chromatose's ftp so that other people who weren't so fortunate to get that item will have a chance to hear it.

As for music collections themselves: music, like anything, needs a medium to get from musician to the listener. I don't really want to (nor is it even logistically possible) invite Rob Darken into my home to preform "Blood of Christians on My Sword" every weekend so its better to buy Graveland CDs instead. CDs are gay and overpriced considering that they're a piece of plastic and reflective coating stored in a jewel case, but that's the medium that music is shared on nowadays (unless you download mp3s). Otherwise you could create and share a CD or mp3 library between a bunch of people, but that would be communism and you don't want to be a dirty commie do you?
NicodemiX said:
I don't really want to (nor is it even logistically possible) invite Rob Darken into my home to preform "Blood of Christians on My Sword" every weekend so its better to buy Graveland CDs instead.

Well, let's face it, people who collect music listen to it as well. If they don't, now that's sad, but I can't really see it happen. So if it's being listened to, it's serving its purpose. And at the end of the day, music can be collected like anything else.

As for 'collector's items', I always thought the idea in BM circles was the keep the release limited to the people who actually want to listen to it - it was be hard to find but if you want it that bad, you'll find it no problems. Once you start making it freely available it can start becoming just a fashion accessory for people who can acquire it without caring about it. That should be the theory, anyway.
As for other genres doing this...well, who knows? A thank-you to dedicated fans at the time? Exploitation? At the end of the day collecting this is no different from collecting anything else, so it's null and void.

I think I might've missed the point, but I don't care :p cos I just woke up :wave:
NicodemiX said:
That said, whenever I buy limited edition vinyl I usually rip it to my computer and upload it to chromatose's ftp so that other people who weren't so fortunate to get that item will have a chance to hear it.

Address and password please k thx :)
For myself, I don't buy records because of the TRUEKVLT value. I listen to my entire vinyl collection... Like I said in the "Damnit" thread...

"On the other hand... I want the split because if the hype is true, its going to be a momumental release in USBM history."
I hate "music collectors". I mean its MUSIC, it is not stamps or seacells or rare coins. I know many many people who buy ultra rare us heavy/power metal albums and they dont listen to them (they already have them on a cd-r for example or they have their re-release on cd). SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY BUY IT ? Why buy something that you WILL NEVER USE? In order to show to everyone who comes to their home "OH MAN LOOK WHAT I HAVE" ? . To tell everyone "HAHA I have so many rarities, I RULE SOO MUCH!" ?.They just put it on the shelf and .. thats it. They pay 100 euros for something of COMPLETELY NO USE. Its a logic i fail to understand. If want something beautiful on my wall, i will buy a painting or a great poster.
The funny thing is that most of the "metal collectors" feel that they make something important (for them and for others). When you buy a vinyl (rare or not) you buy it because you want to listen to the music IN VINYL FORM (and the vinyl lovers know how great it is), not just to "OWN IT"
GaKAITHROUGH might be interesting. Is this that NS Forest Pagan Bosanova-core with Greenlandish interludes band?
As I have stated before, Music cannot be owned by anyone but its creator. Unfortunately most metal fans dont seem to ge this extemely simplistic concept.

I really dont collect anything, nor can I understand the incessant need for possession of things 90% of the American people have.
I've also never understood the collector's mentality, I don't see anything empowering about ownership of rare items, however enjoyable the pursuit of them might be. Music, especially as noncommercial as many of the albums Egay metallers fight over, isn't supposed to be a status symbol...this is an inevitable result of purposefully limiting channels of distribution, so it's partially their own fault.
fotmbm said:
Sometimes stuff is limited because the people making it can't afford to make more copies

That would be exactly why Wind Through the Trees did 15 copies of our demo/promo... we weren't trying to pull some cult bullshit. It just was not financially possible.
I like collecting vinyls, but ALL my vinyls are opened and listened. I don't buy them, so that I could later cash with them. Those people are the problem, not the collectors.
I buy music only because I want to help the artist + I wanna listen to that shit and the booklets are usually fun to read and look pretty ;)

I haven't opened the only vinyl I own yet (edge of sanity - the unorthodox) 'cause our needle's broken. I asked my dad to get a new one but he hasn't done it yet, and i'll be damned if i know which kind to get or whatever.