Anthrax...who gives a fuck?

I've been Bleearg for a long time. Actually this jock in high school started calling me that as a slam because I allways drove around jammin SOD real loud. It never bothered me but it caught on and has been my nickname ever since. What is Jurched anyway? Your avatar reminds me of Tim McMurtrie sp?
schenkadere said:
I also find it ironic how you start a thread about the GAYEST metal bands but you worship Judas Priest. WTF???

Judas Priest has sucked since Turbo Lover. Gayest Song EVER!!!!

That's not bashing?
Well, thats not what you quoted before. ":lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks I needed that!"
What I stated about Turbo was fact not a bash, and you agreed with it in your reply.
Grasping for something that is not there, are we? Hmmm?
Gayest song ever is not a're the gayest dude ever...that's not a bash.

By the way, you have an agenda here?...or do you just not want to be out done or you feel the need to have the last word in this silliness?

You never said they were "friends"...duh...if you haven't noticed all my responses have been dripping with sarcasm. Your aggressive defense of the band and the personal manner in which you are expressing yourself seems a little odd to me. Get a grip on's just a band. Oh, and don't be a hypocrite...everyone on occassion will "bash" things that are not in their grasp to acheive. You never said...that show sucked, or that movie sucked...or whatever. Your arguments are petty.

Oh...I suck...ha! can I say that without actually being you?, let's ponder that for a few more wasted fucking hours.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well when you "quote" someone it is inferring they said something moron.
You must be a closet fag "gayest thread, gayest band, gayest......" you act like you are 12 and I'm sure you are almost 40.
I'm an absolute hack on the guitar and I can play Injuns too.
Since you are "an accomplished musician" how about a link to some of your work??
"Well when you "quote" someone it is inferring they said something moron."
"gayest thread, gayest band, gayest......".....uh....don't remember saying any of that.

Oh, by the way...just like your complaint completely ignored something...the subject of your being a complete hypocrite.

Yes...I'm acting like I'm exactly is that?

And I'm "sure" you are an "absolute hack on the guitar"...congratulations...something to be proud of indeed...shows what hard work and dedication can do. I hope you find such success in the rest of your life.

Really, dude...your logic is got the best of outsmarted the old man...I'm going to retreat to my home, put on my Cherokee headress, crank "Injuns" and hack away on my guitar.

Boo hoo...Anthrax rules...sniff, win.
schenkadere said:
"Well when you "quote" someone it is inferring they said something moron."
"gayest thread, gayest band, gayest......".....uh....don't remember saying any of that.

Oh, by the way...just like your complaint completely ignored something...the subject of your being a complete hypocrite.
Well, you have said it time and time again. Your retarded threads and posts tell the story maybe you should pay a little more attention. Take a look at the "Gayest" shit you post everyday.
schenkadere :blush: in denial and that ain't a river in Africa :lol: Now how am I a hypocrite Numbnuts?
Bleearg said:
Well, you have said it time and time again. Your retarded threads and posts tell the story maybe you should pay a little more attention. Take a look at the "Gayest" shit you post everyday.
schenkadere :blush: in denial and that ain't a river in Africa :lol: Now how am I a hypocrite Numbnuts?

You're fading kiddo...the longer you go on, the more foolish you sound and the more apparent your peanut intellect becomes. You should learn to quit while you're ahead. Now be a good boy and crawl out of your Mommy's basement...your spaghettios are almost ready for dinner.
OK. Like anyone was ever behind you. You wish fag. Your Mr. Hanky avatar is a good fit, you piece of shit. Where is the music link? Remember now, you are an "accomplished musician". Don't you have anything to show us??? Still waiting.............................
Bleearg said:
OK. Like anyone was ever behind you. You wish fag. Your Mr. Hanky avatar is a good fit, you piece of shit. Where is the music link? Remember now, you are an "accomplished musician". Don't you have anything to show us??? Still waiting.............................

Tisk, tisk...temper, temper. It's time for me to go home to my house, my beautiful wife and my 4're right...I have nothing to show...I'm such a failure and a piece of shit because I don't like Anthrax...gee, I'm music link today...I'll work on it for you. If I had a web link for you to hear me play guitar, then I'd really be someone...then I'd actually be accomplished. You're the best...thanks for enlightening me about so many things failure in life, the denial of my sexual preferences. You're so wise. You know all about people from a message board. I never realized life was so simple...I was blind. Thank you again. You're avatar is appropriate as well, because you're the bomb. Someday I hope I can be more like you...maybe you can tutor me on such great life success through internet message boards. I'm such a piece of shit fag...what am I going to tell my can I face my wife? Remember the quote from Spiderman...with great power comes great resposibility...use your wisely. Now go before your spaghettios get cold and mommy gets angry.
I'm done with this thread. I would like to hear what your music is like. If its any good I would have shut up hours ago. Since you can't figure it out, I was retaliating to your comment about my poll thread. I still think you are a fag. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bleearg said:
I'm done with this thread. I would like to hear what your music is like. If its any good I would have shut up hours ago. Since you can't figure it out, I was retaliating to your comment about my poll thread. I still think you are a fag. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What poll thread...I didn't knowingly comment on it.

Oh, I think I remember...I did make a gay joke on there.

I actually am a very good guitarist...I'll try to post something here someday soon. My life is about raising my family now...not playing in a band or recording.

Later,'re a fag too!

This was the most fun the board has been in a long time!
When I went to see Billy in NYC this past tour...we were hanging out in front of the club and he introduced me to his guitarist, Scott Sargeant as the first shredder he ever knew.

If that means anything to you. It was a long time ago, but Billy saw me play when we were kids...we used to jam together now and then.

I can play I'm not lying. I've just been a dad for 15 years...I'm trying to find a band now...before I'm too ancient...I'm itching to record!
JLJ The Icon said:
I think people still talk about Anthrax because at the time in the high point of their careers they were pretty damn entertaining and were great showmen. I think people still bitch about the band me included because we all know the 80s thrash movement was amazing and we want to relive it.

Thats my excuse anyways.

Go to and buy the new Municipal Waste record if you want great thrash.

fuckin' right! Municipal Waste thrash like it's 1987!