Who Gives a Fuck??

Bwahahahaha. I am Batman. There is noone but me. I challenge you to a duel!!!! We will then see who is the true Caped Crusader!!! :D

And i fucked up my sig.
Why are Nokturnal Mortum and Summoning and Drudkh and Astrofaes and Hate Forest and Fullmoon so good?
who gives a fuck if I go to wacken this year?

I have to call the airline on monday when I come back from provinssirock to change departure date at last minute. I am just trying to figure out if I should change it to end of july after tuska where I can catch up with some finns or to the end of august after wacken, where I can run myself into debt and hopefully overcome this rather strong bout of homesickness to possibly meet other fellow UM'ers who may or may not be going. I'm not usually the kind to seek positive reinforcement like this, but at the moment I think I need it. the attention seeking however IS like me. :D (I guess?)

So, who else is going to wacken and who gives a flying fuck if I tag along and catch up with ya?

Hot guys rule. Hot death metal or black metal guys.

Coldplay are cool. Their music, even though the bandmembers are cool, but I don't like them in the same way as I do the first subject I mentioned.

I cut myself twice yesterday. Just a little, but there was a lot of blood for such little cuts. Must stay away from sharp objects.
mousewings said:
Hot guys rule. Hot death metal or black metal guys.

Coldplay are cool. Their music, even though the bandmembers are cool, but I don't like them in the same way as I do the first subject I mentioned.

I cut myself twice yesterday. Just a little, but there was a lot of blood for such little cuts. Must stay away from sharp objects.

Oh no. U can't be cutting yourself. There are no shrinks in here to help you with that. So therefore, WE DONT GIVE A FUCK!!! :yell: :yell:
I didn't do it on purpose. I was at work and the knife slipped. It felt good though...

Why do you care? Look at the title of this thread... oh, wait, you don't.
I was at my friends house and we were smokin some weed with his brother and another one of my friends when his mom pulled up and came into the garage...she didnt see any weed or the pipe, but she knew it smelled like pot and Im sure my friend is in deep shit now, but hey Im not and hes stupid for not knowing his mom was gonna be home so I dont give a fuck and none of you do either all right!
I saw Pitch Black.

I saw Twelve Monkeys.

I'm reading Celine's "Journey To The End Of The Night."

I started listening to Type O Negative.

I don't have friends or love-interests (unless you consider amateur porn stars).

I like to act "shallow" and play the fool, and then be "profound" and serious.

I despise apathy and mediocrity.

Most women find me attractive.

