competition thread: WHO KNOWS MORE COPS?

topic: i know a handful of cops. i dont see anything wrong with them. surely no different that the rest of the retards running around. i think it would be really interesting to be a police officer. too bad id have to take a 50% pay cut and probably get killed in the process.
It's just my area :p And my ex is just fat and lazy :p

Most of the cops around here accept bribes or else are totally abusive of their power. Or both.

Theres a couple really nice cool ones though, so meh.
yeah. every once in awhile ill see a smoking hot officer. ill have to do a triple take just to verify. then theres all the butch ones. but whatdya expect?
Cops certainly arent all bad, my perspective is somewhat skewed due to the general negative light that I've seen them in first hand in my area. Baltimore is apparently pretty bad in terms of corruption as well.
Conspicuously Absent said:
I have an ex who wants to be a cop, i'd say she needs to run some laps first, but looking at a lot of cops... she'll fit right in.

I think that's another ridiculous stereotype that simply does not exist much anymore.

I look at my brother, and the other 20 cops on his squad that I know, and they might as well all be fucking linebackers.
it is. That said, it's a small town, so if somebody rolls into the pawnshop with some shit, the guy running it will probaby be able to give you a description.
dorian gray said:
gah! baltimore! is it still the steaming shithole it was back in the 80s?

No its worse. Meth production has risen 520% in the past four years, most of the city is under semi-permanent reconstruction, rats and cockroaches roam freely in many clubs and bars, etc. Truth be told I dont know what it was like here in the 80's but I dont see how it could be much worse now. Last time I was in Baltimore I saw 3 Hispanic guys run up behind a cop, club him over the head with a mag lite and run off into a nearby alley giggling like school girls. This place is nuts I tell you!
Conspicuously Absent said:
meth is becoming popular everywhere it seems :(

It definitely has grown, but it's still 95% concentrated (in the U.S. at least) in the Pac. NW (Oregon & parts of California specifically) and "meth alley" as they call it (Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Arkansas, parts of Kentucky, parts of Tennessee).

When you read that meth has gone up 542% or whatever in a place like Baltimore, that means the 4 home labs that were busted in 2005 increased to 23 or something.

It exists hardly at all in much of the Northeast, at least for now. Terrifying drug of potential epidemic-like proportions, though.
yea the large percentages dont nessecarily mean that now 90% of baltimore are meth users. meth production is seriously increasing even more in the northwest right now, there are countless meth labs popping up in the valleys and forests throughout oregon, washington, and california. Most major drug store chains have pulled effedrin based products from the shelves due to the high volume of thefts in recent years. You dont have to be a chemist to make this shit, but in most cases you do have to be an idiot.