fuck the fucking fuckers


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
If someone ever tells you your music pisses them off or is too loud or annoys them.... you know what to fucking do REV THAT SHIT UP

happened today some fucking rappers came up to us and told us what we were listening to sucked so we reved it up hahaha well they reved their shit up next door as loud as they could..... but i tonight i really fuckin pisses EVERYONE in the neighborhood off by reving my 300 WATT system all the fucking way up kill their god damn black trash music! Rap is trash and so is everything else that is mainstream in this fucking world..... not too long ago one of them came to my house and threatened me and my friends.... so we called the cops got all 4 of em arressted and they are currently (hopefully) getting ass raped in jail.... cops told us that they are trouble makers and they were already looking for an excuse to hold em in jail for awhile.... i fuckin hope the cops beat the shit outa those trash rappers! Hell I hate ppl who come up to me and go YO HOMIE YO makes me wanna fuckin punch their god damn lights out! Well guys im out to go have some fun tonight! You all have fun and remember..... if anyone in a car beside you is blasting rap and says metal sucks u know waht to do! :heh:
@bodomite: :lol: i can understand that. i hate rap, too! i could always kill my cousin when he comes to visit us and listens to that shit *aaarrrgggghhh* :puke:
:lol: its disturbing when half of the kids in my school listen to rap, and even worst is their atrocious usage of english language. tsk tsk tsk...its saddening when they think that its cool.
here in Argentina we don't have rap, instead we have this fucking airheaded stupid moron fagshit latinamerican "cumbia" music which has all the moron kids dressed like bums and all talk like morons

gotta hate trends, gotta LOATHE them :-((