What The Fuck?!?!?! Automatics?!?!?!

Silver Incubus said:
America loves war and that is evident in all the major projects they do
War on Drugs - but the CIA imports drugs into the country?
believe it or not but the reason why most drugs are illegal is because of the cultures associated with those drugs, such as Marijuana is associated with the African Americans and it was made Illegal so that they could control their habit. If you control the habit you control them. Simple enough.

Bottom line is
America is owened by Drug companies and If I wasn't mistaken, Drugs are supposed to be bad for you.
that would qualify as "typical dopehead comment" for sure :lol:
> Hell, some think that Canada is one of the states..:Smug: :grin:

that's obscene!!!

any halfwit knows it's the other way around *DUCK* :grin: :grin: :grin:

well, at least automatic guns will be legal only in the US, and not in the rest of Canada :tickled: :loco:
> that would qualify as "typical dopehead comment" for sure :lol:

um, better watch out tut.. that would mean if there were more brazilians in the u.s. then coffee would be illegal as well :tickled:
I personally dont care about the ban. If someone wants to kill you it doesnt really matter what type of gun. Some banned guns are less powerful then the legal ones.
for some people, caffiene makes them calm down and get sleepy... especially in children.
babysitting tip of the day.
fuck swords....Baseball bats, chains, and rocks. that's what war needs to be like.

Einstein made a quote referencing that World War 4 would be fought using sticks and stones.
TheSomberlain said:
Hah, you shouldn't have said that! Now you're in big trouble as soon as Bush finds out what Brazil is, and where it is!
no worry there. We send a map of south america to him with BRASIL written exactly over Argentina!! LOL. Nuke Buenos Aires!!
I am proud to be an American AND a Bush supporter. All of you posting that dont live in the U.S., you can focus all you want on the negative things but you dont live here to see or reap the benefits of the positive things that our Pres. has done for this country.
> Einstein made a quote referencing that World War 4 would be fought using sticks and stones.

... if there ever is a world war 4, that is if we don't nuke the planet to shit in the soon-upcoming ww3.
reminds me of a megadeth song "set the world afire" --->

"there's unknown tools for world war three, Einstein said we'll use rocks on the other side"

that song :rock: :rock: :rock: rules
^Hey Sonja :wave:

Yeah well I am Pro-choice..always have been. I think its absolutely horrible what the Pro-Lifers do....and its ironic isnt it? They are pro-life yet they bomb abortion clinics (killing & injuring ppl), stab pro-choicers..etc...yet they preach how they value life. Fucking assholes! I think that ultimately, it is a womans choice and given right to make that decision for herself.
fuck those retarded idiots that think aborting a piece of organic waste (like an unwanted fetus) is "murder".

we should all get a vasectomy or tubes tied (dunno the name in english) and the human species will stop reproducing altogether. Problem solved.