What The Fuck?!?!?! Automatics?!?!?!

Well, if Finland had a law that would enable me to get my hands on an automatic Sako RK-95 TP, I would definitely buy one. But, we don't have such a law so I guess I'll move to the US someday :Spin:
I might overreacted, but I still think America is a weird country. You might think the same about the Netherlands, with our drug policy and shit... but being able to buy guns like that would be an equivalent of being able to buy legal heroin and shit...I could get some of it, but legalizing it would make it a whole lot easier to obtain...and like the comparison with sex on tv and stuff...i bet you can get porn on tv if you wanted to, but on regular tv. it's not that common, right? BTW, this is an assumption. Here Janet Jackson's boobs might have led to a discussion, but it would have blown over within a week. Now in the US you guys got a legal case running concerning that shit...I just think your US regulations are very very peculiar...
And it's not my country, but the entire world is always confronted with America and I want to be able to enjoy my dinner and not having to listen to this kid killed 27 others, deaththread there, electionfraud there....although the election campaigns make a great soap-opera :D
i forgot to add i said later "we had more than 4 for sure, but i can't remember all of them :p
and boy, have you done your serial killer homework huh?! :lol:

AcesHigh said:
but thats bullshit. We dont had nearly as many serial killers as US, but we had MANY more than 4!!

I think the worst was the one in Porto Alegre, around 1860. He was a butcher (literally, i mean, he owned a meats store). He used his german wife to attract men to a house, where they both would kill the man... and USE THEIR MEAT TO PRODUCE SAUSAGES!!! And they SOLD the sausages to the public. In fact, the sausages made of menflesh were VERY popular... until the police discovered the murderers and what they did with the meat (if I am not mistaken, the couple also ate some bodyparts).
at least our serial killers give us funny stories :lol:
Man saussages :lol:

and DAIM
cris rock rules :lol:


So do most people in the US have guns or what? I don't know anybody here who has a gun, and it makes me feel very safe. I mean, the odds of being shot are very small
^^id delete/edit that if i were you, patriot act will kick your ass for it. you might get investigated or at least redflagged

Yes even in norway
Being a Canadian........ I truly dispise the US:yuk: ... and in Canada I won't be thrown in Jail for my opinions or questioned by the FBI.:Smug:

Sorry if I affend anyone.. but we all know it is the government and that is who I hate.
hey. . i hate dubya too, but i just wouldnt say stuff like that cuz i live here. they can really fuck up a persons life (finances, travel, Social security Credit history, Jobs, everything)

maybe its just me. . .
bobvex said:
^^id delete/edit that if i were you, patriot act will kick your ass for it. you might get investigated or at least redflagged

Yes even in norway
so, if i said


would the patriot act obligate the US government to send me some bucks for supporting bush? :lol: :loco:
hey. . i hate dubya too, but i just wouldnt say stuff like that cuz i live here.

I don't hate the ppl.. I mean I have friends there...I hate the set up and I think many ppl agree
I just think the tension and violence in the states would be less if they were as open to sexuality as europe. lol I lived there so I know the difference.