What... the... fuck?

Harry Potter = a fictional character (wouldn't that be like simulated child porn anyways??)... Alexi and Janne are real people. I could laugh and say "Haha, this story is just so fucked" and so could they but, I'm pretty sure to some small degree they would be a bit disturbed, and if they had the choice they would not want this crap on the internet :lol:

Wut??? Harry's not real? You must be kidding! But... But... :waah::waah::waah:

I mean, it's still the same idea, I'm not saying it's all good, I'm just saying this is what happens in popular culture. Some people are just that obsessed. And they don't really distinguish the real people from the fictional characters, and for them their own, say, Janne and Alexi are sort of like fictional characters in a sense. That's what happens when one becomes someone else's idol (like the "Perfect Blue" movie lol). While it could be tolerated, it should also be controlled because it could lead to unstable behaviour - the "idol" could get assaulted on the basis of the fantasies, if someone is maniac enough :u-huh:

P.S. Austrians just spectacularly failed at scoring, twice. Oh boy. (wrong thread?? lol)